Zardari slams govt over death in Murree

  ISLAMABAD, Jan 09 (SABAH): Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Co-chairman and former president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday slammed federal government over death of citizens pertaining to the Murree incident.

Expressing his sympathy and condolences to the bereaved families in Murree, ex-president said that the incident is very painful and added that he, equally shares the grief of the bereaved families.

He said that the failure of the government to take timely action is reprehensible. Due to the inefficiency of the government, the innocent citizens lost their lives.

On Jan 8, the preliminary report of the tragic incident that took place in Murree was presented to Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Sardar Usman Bazdar.

According to sources, the report submitted to the Punjab CM said that Murree has the capacity to park 32,000 vehicles, while more than 72,000 vehicles entered Murree on Thursday. The report also stated that the tourists parked their vehicles on the side of the roads after parking space ended.