Women entrepreneurs… Durdana Najam

The past few decades have witnessed a remarkable surge in the presence and influence of women entrepreneurs. Women have been redefining the entrepreneurial sphere, breaking through barriers, shattering stereotypes and making significant strides in various industries and sectors worldwide.

Historically, womens participation in the business world was limited and restrained by social norms and gender biases. However, with changing times and increasing awareness, the 21st century has become an era of empowerment for women, fostering an environment that encourages and supports their entrepreneurial aspirations. As a result, women-led businesses have emerged as a powerful force, contributing significantly to economic growth and societal progress.

Between 8 million and 10 million small and medium-sized enterprises across the developing world have at least one female owner, the World Bank says in its Female Entrepreneurship Resource Point.

According to the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs, in 2021, the United States was the leading country in the world in terms of supporting female entrepreneurship. The country scored 69.9 index points, with New Zealand and Canada close behind. Bangladesh was given the lowest score of the 65 countries included in the index, with 32.5, followed by Egypt and Malawi.

Africa boasts a thriving community of women entrepreneurs, standing out as the continent with the highest proportion of female-led businesses globally. Research conducted by the OECD indicates that over a quarter of all enterprises in Africa were initiated or are currently managed by women. In stark contrast, the rate of entrepreneurial engagement among women in Europe stands at a modest 5.7%, according to data from the European Investment Bank. Despite these impressive levels of entrepreneurial involvement, African women face significant challenges in securing adequate funding for their ventures.

The rise of women entrepreneurs can be attributed to various driving forces that have catalysed their entry and success in the entrepreneurial realm. One of the key factors is the increasing focus on gender equality and womens empowerment, leading to a shift in societal perceptions and attitudes. Initiatives promoting education, skill development and financial inclusion have played a crucial role in nurturing a conducive environment for women to explore their entrepreneurial potential.

Moreover, advancements in technology and the digital landscape have levelled the playing field, providing women with access to resources, networks and markets that were previously inaccessible. The advent of e-commerce, social media platforms and digital marketing has enabled women entrepreneurs to establish and grow their businesses with greater ease and efficiency.

Despite progress, women entrepreneurs continue encountering challenges that test their resilience and determination. Gender bias, stereotypes and unequal access to funding and resources remain pervasive obstacles that hinder the growth and sustainability of women-led businesses. Balancing professional responsibilities with societal expectations of family and caregiving often presents a complex challenge for women entrepreneurs, demanding extraordinary levels of perseverance and multitasking abilities.

However, women entrepreneurs have demonstrated exceptional resilience, innovation and adaptability amidst these challenges, paving the way for groundbreaking achievements and successes. Many women have excelled in traditionally male-dominated sectors, leading groundbreaking research, driving technological innovations and spearheading social and environmental initiatives that have profoundly impacted their communities and the world at large.

The global impact of women entrepreneurs is undeniable, as their contributions have not only transformed the business landscape but also led to positive socio-economic changes. Women-led businesses have created employment opportunities, promoted diversity and inclusivity and fostered sustainable and ethical business practices. Their emphasis on community engagement and social responsibility has driven initiatives that address critical societal issues, ranging from education and healthcare to environmental conservation and poverty alleviation.

The future for women entrepreneurs appears promising, with an increasing focus on creating more equitable and supportive ecosystems for their growth and development. Initiatives promoting mentorship, access to finance and skill enhancement are gaining traction, empowering women to overcome barriers and unlock their full entrepreneurial potential. The growing recognition of the invaluable contributions of women entrepreneurs is fostering a global movement aimed at fostering a more inclusive and diverse entrepreneurial landscape.

The journey of women entrepreneurs continues to inspire and empower generations, underscoring the vital role of women in shaping the future of entrepreneurship and driving meaningful change across the world. As they continue to break barriers and redefine norms, women entrepreneurs stand as beacons of innovation, resilience and empowerment, leading the way toward a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

Courtesy The Express Tribune