Who used to imitates others, he himself forgot difference between litre & kilo: Sherry Rehman

ISLAMABAD, Sep 16 (SABAH): Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman has said those who used to imitate others and correct others Urdu [language faults], now even forgot the difference between litre and kilo.

In a statement issued on twitter on Friday, Sherry Rehman said: “You should go for finding faults with others whey you yourself don’t commit any error.”

The minister said, “You [Imran] commit errors in every speech but we will not act on your lines while being involving in imitation. We will not take up such matters at our political gatherings. We will not ask whether flour is measured in kilograms or litres. Every human being may face the issue of slip of tongue and can commit error.”

“You compare prices in every of yours speech. This was yours mismanagement which caused price-hike today. Due to the faulty policies of the previous government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), rupee devaluation was occurring,” she alleged.

Sherry Rehman held the former prime minister and Chairman PTI Imran Khan responsible for the current inflation and alleged that the previous government took record loans and struck unjust accords with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) so much so violated them.