We remain deeply concerned on the grave HR & humanitarian situation in IIOJK: FO Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad

ISLAMABAD, Sep 01 (SABAH): Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad has said that we remain deeply concerned on the grave human rights and humanitarian situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), where the Indian occupation forces have martyred another 6 Kashmiri youth including a 23-year-old engineering student in fake encounters in Baramulla and Shopian areas. He said that the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres will be visiting Pakistan on 9-10 September, adding that this will be an important visit. He said that UN Secretary General will be here to express solidarity and international community’s support for Pakistan at this difficult time.

This was stated by FO Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad during the weekly press briefing on Thursday.

He said that the colossal scale of devastation across various parts of the country, brought about by the unprecedented climate catastrophe, has affected more than 33 million people. Continuing loss of lives and livelihoods, and massive damage to property and infrastructure, are indicative of this evolving humanitarian situation we are faced with.

He said that after Sindh and Balochistan, the media has seen the destruction caused in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit Baltistan in recent days. He said that over 1,100 people including over 350 children have lost their lives, more than 1,600 people have been injured, over a million houses have been partially or fully damaged or destroyed, entire villages have been wiped out, over 735,000 livestock have perished and over 2 million acres of crops have been lost, besides severe damage to communications infrastructure.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the Government of Pakistan has mounted coordinated rescue and relief operations mobilizing all possible resources and capacities. This is a national effort in which every one is contributing from individual Pakistanis from all spheres of life, to businesses, civil society and humanitarian organizations, besides civil and military administrations, he said. Overseas Pakistanis are also contributing to this effort in a big way, FO spokesperson said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the sheer scale of the calamity has, however, stretched our resources and capacities to the limit, thus necessitating support from the international community. And we have already seen an outpouring of that support and solidarity, with a large number of our friends and partners stepping forward with assistance to buttress the Government led relief efforts, he said.

He said that to further raise global awareness and mobilize support, on 30th August, Pakistan together with the United Nations, launched the Flash Appeal “2022 Pakistan Floods Response Plan (FRP)” simultaneously from Islamabad and Geneva.

He said that Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed the launch event, followed by a video message from the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and statements from Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Ahsan Iqbal, UN Resident Coordinator in Pakistan Julien Harneis, UN High Commissioner for Refugees and IFRC. Chairman NDMA Lt. Gen. Akhtar Nawaz also briefed the participants on the situation in the aftermath of the floods.

He said that the FRP focuses on the needs of the most affected people, with life-saving response activities amounting to US$ 160.3 million covering food security, assistance for agriculture and livestock, shelter and non-food items, nutrition programs, primary health services, protection, water and sanitation, women’s health, and education support, as well as shelter for displaced people.

He said that the Flash Appeal launch was well attended by Member States both in Islamabad and Geneva, Heads of UN agencies in Pakistan, representatives of international organizations, among others. Participants offered condolences and expressions of solidarity, and assured continued support for Pakistan.

Here two points merit highlighting:

First, what we are passing through is a climate-induced calamity. These are no ordinary monsoons, as the UNSG termed them “monsoons on steroid”. There are totally anomalous cycles of torrential monsoon coupled with other extreme weather events including record temperatures and forest fires in Pakistan. As one of the lowest contributors to the global carbon footprint yet amongst the most vulnerable, Pakistan has borne the brunt of climate shocks in recent years. As the Foreign Minister said, Pakistan has become the ground zero of the consequences of global warming. The international community, particularly those historically responsible for climate change, must step up and share the burden of these losses in the spirit of solidarity.

Second, while we are in the relief phase right now, there will be this important transition to the reconstruction and rehabilitation phase, which, given the mega scale of this disaster, will require continued, sustained and substantial support of the international community.

All our efforts will be focused towards that objective. As you would have followed, yesterday, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari accompanied by diplomats and representatives of international organizations visited a number of flood hit areas.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the Prime Minister has also been visiting the affected areas personally overseeing the relief efforts. “We have closely engaged the diplomatic corps here in Islamabad, and are mobilizing efforts through proactive outreach through our Missions abroad” he said.

He said that during the previous week, leaders from across the world expressed their sympathies for the people affected by the floods and showed solidarity and support for Pakistan in this hour of need. The Presidents of Turkiye, Iran and the United Arab Emirates as well as President of the EU Council called Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. He said that Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also received telephone calls from the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic Catherine Colonna.

“Here I would like to highlight till last night, we have received flood relief goods through 21 flights notably from Turkey, UAE and China. There are trains from Turkey also. These air bridges are expected to continue in the coming days and weeks” he said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that a large number of countries and international organizations have pledged support and are extending cash or in-kind assistance including Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, China, EU, France, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Qatar, ROK, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkiye, UAE, United Kingdom, the United States, Uzbekistan, along with various international organizations including World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other UN Agencies. This is not an exhaustive list.

We are grateful for this timely and much needed support, he said.

FO spokesperson said that in complete cognizance of the need to invest in a sustainable future, to avoid falling prey to climate change induced natural calamities, and mindful of Pakistan’s extreme vulnerability to climate change, Pakistan remains committed to a sustainable, green agenda.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that in accordance with these objectives, Pakistan has signed the Green Framework Engagement Agreement with Denmark yesterday in Copenhagen. He said that the Green Framework Engagement will mark the first step in creating stronger collaboration in areas such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, and a just and sustainable green transition. A Joint Action Plan will be finalized between the two countries containing specific activities of collaboration, he said.

FO spokesperson said that today marks the first martyrdom anniversary of the iconic Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani. He was a personification of sheer courage and grit, and the face of Kashmiri people’s valiant struggle to achieve right to self-determination as enshrined in numerous UNSC Resolutions. Called ‘Baba-e-Huriyet’ by his compatriots; he breathed his last in a long-drawn illegal Indian custody on 01 September, 2021.

He said that the Indian Charge d’Affaires in Islamabad was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday and a strong demarche was made over India’s continued apathy towards the iconic Hurriyat leader’s right to a burial in accordance with his will and the wishes of his family.

He said that Pakistan’s deep regret was conveyed over Government of India’s persisting intransigence that has denied Syed Ali Geelani’s mortal remains a dignified burial in the “Cemetery of Martyrs” as per his desire. More ominously, Kashmiris are not even allowed to pay respects to the revered leader at the graveyard in Hyderpora, Srinagar where he was hurriedly buried last year, as media remember by the Indian occupation forces in the absence of his family and followers.

“We believe no amount of Indian brutality, apathy and incredible absence of morality can dampen either the spirit of resistance of the Kashmiris in IIOJK or the fond remembrance of its people for their visionary leaders of the like of Syed Ali Geelani” he said.

“May his legacy continue to inspire those carrying his mission forward to bring an end to the illegal Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir” FO spokesperson said.