We reaffirm commitment extending all possible support to Kashmiri people till they achieve right to self-determination: FO Spokesperson

ISLAMABAD, May 12 (SABAH): Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad has said that we reaffirm commitment of the Government and people of Pakistan to extend all possible support to the Kashmiri people till they achieve their legitimate right to self-determination as enshrined in the UN Security Council resolutions.

This was stated by Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad during a weekly press briefing on Thursday.

He said that Pakistan has categorically rejected the report of the so-called Indian ‘Delimitation Commission’ about Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He said that Pakistan’s position is unambiguous and crystal clear. He said that India’s unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019 and all subsequent measures in IIOJK are in blatant violation of international law including the 4th Geneva Convention and the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. He said that India’s attempts to lend ‘legitimacy’ to its illegal and unilateral actions will never succeed.

FO spokesperson said that the ulterior motive of Indian moves was to undermine the internationally recognized disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir, and to bring about changes in the demographic composition of the occupied territory to convert the Muslim majority to minority in IIOJK. Pakistan and the Kashmiri people have rejected all these moves. He said that this report is a further manifestation of the BJP government’s repugnant plan to disempower and disenfranchise the Kashmiris. Consequently, the electoral balance has been artificially tilted in favour of Jammu as opposed to Kashmir, despite the latter making up the bigger portion of the overall IIOJK population.

“We believe that this whole exercise is illegal and in contravention of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, international law, and the 4th Geneva Convention which impose certain obligations on occupying forces including not to change the demographic structure of the occupied territories” he said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the Government of Pakistan has accordingly categorically rejected the report and termed it a farcical exercise.

He said that a strong demarche was made to the Indian Charge d’Affaires, who was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 5 May.

He said that on 10 May, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed a letter to the President of the Security Council and Secretary-General of the United Nations, highlighting the unlawful steps taken by India to change the demographic structure of IIOJK. The FM underlined that the delimitation exercise was designed to disempower and disenfranchise, and further marginalize and divide the Kashmiri people and pave the way for yet another puppet government by BJP-RSS combine that panders to its “Hindutva” ideology.

He said that earlier on Thursday, the Foreign Minister briefed the National Assembly reiterating Pakistan’s categorical rejection of the entire exercise. The National Assembly unanimously adopted a strong resolution rejecting the report of the so-called ‘Delimitation Commission’ and reiterated Pakistan’s unflinching support and solidarity with the Kashmiri people.

He said that Pakistan will continue to reach out to the world community to raise international awareness about India’s illegal actions and mobilize the requisite response.

FO spokesperson said that Pakistan strongly condemns the raid by Israeli forces on Al Aqsa Mosque on Juma’tul-Wida on 29 April in the holy month of Ramadan, as well as subsequent raids and attacks resulting in injuries to many innocent Palestinian worshippers. “You would have also seen our statement of yesterday on the condemnable killing of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh by Israeli occupation forces” he said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that Pakistan calls upon the international community to take urgent action to put an end to the Israeli occupation, which continues to fuel conflict, tension and instability in the region. “We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and reaffirm Pakistan’s unstinted support for the Palestinian cause” he said.

“We remain deeply concerned by the rabid Hindutva ideological drive that is being spearheaded by the BJP-RSS combine in India and IIOJK.

Innocent Kashmiris continue to face unprecedent violence at the hands of Indian occupation forces that operate with impunity in IIOJK. In the last week, 10 Kashmiri youth have been martyred in the so-called cordon and search operations in Kulgam, Bandipore and Shopian districts” he said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that it is deeply deplorable that during the holy month of Ramadan the Indian occupation forces intensified their repression against innocent Kashmiris. This included the prohibition of congregations of “Shab-e-Qadr” and “Jumat ul Vida” at Jamia Masjid in Srinagar.

He said that Pakistan also condemns in the strongest possible terms the highly deplorable incidents involving playing of Hanuman Chalisa and other Hindu devotional songs on loudspeakers as a counter to the Muslims’ call to prayer (Azaan) at various mosques in Indian state of Karnataka, which lays bare the new level of religious radicalism in the BJP-ruled India.

He said that Pakistan calls upon the Indian government to transparently investigate the incidents of widespread violence against minorities, particularly Muslims, and their places of worship and take measures to stop such incidents from recurring in the future. The Government of India must ensure the safety, security and well being of minorities.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that Pakistan also calls on the international community to take note of the aggravating situation of Islamophobia in India, and play its due role in ensuring the religious freedom and safety of the beleaguered Muslim community in India.