We in Pakistan believe that creation of our state was divine will: Masood Khan

WASHINGTON, August 14(SABAH): In his message on the 75th Anniversary of Independence Day of Pakistan, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Sardar Muhammad Massod Khan has said today is a special day for us – in Pakistan and in the United States.

Masood Khan said that we have completed 75 years of our national independence. Pakistan was a dream in 1940s. Our forefathers and people of Pakistan, through their steely determination and sacrifices, opened the way for this miracle, he said.

Masood Khan said that we in Pakistan believe that creation of our state was divine will. We are custodians of this trust, this vision called Pakistan, he said.

He said that nation-building has not been an easy task for us. We rode through many storms. Many challenges lie ahead. But as individuals, communities and a nation, we are confident that we will succeed. God is with us.

Masood Khan said that today we also celebrate 75 years of our diplomatic relations and friendship with our ally and partner, the United States of America.

He said that in the past seven decades, together we have achieved a lot and we commit ourselves to work together for peace, security and stability. Most importantly, we will strengthen our people to people ties that will nurture our relations at all levels, he said.