We are steadfast on way to freedom with determination & constancy irrespective of all sacrifices: Ismail Haniyeh

GAZA, April 14 (SABAH): Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement has said they were steadfast on the way to freedom with determination, constancy with uniformity regardless of the sacrifices being made for the cause. He said they were determined to keep on striving till the achievement of goal as well as the elimination of Israeli state.
Haniyeh made these remarks during the commemoration of the International Al-Quds Day in the besieged Gaza Strip on Friday.
He stated the Palestinian resistance monitors three important variables which indicate that the conflict with Israel will be resolved in favour of the Palestinian people.
Haniyeh said the first variable is that the resistance has been renewed in the Occupied West Bank and the Palestinian people at home and abroad are united in protecting Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Haniyeh added that the second factor is the rift and division within Israel and the destruction of its political structures, while the third factor is the emergence of a new international order and an era that heralds the decline of the United States’ influence globally.
“Based on these changes, we say that we are in an advanced position and that Israel will depart from all of Palestine,” he said.
Haniyeh stressed that the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails are steadfastly drawing the battle of prisoners and captives.