We are facing problems like the forced disappearances instead of passing 75 years of freedom: Amina Masood Janjua

ISLAMABAD, August 14 (SABAH): Chairperson of Defense of Human Rights Pakistan (DHR), Amina Masood Janjua has said that we are facing problems like the forced disappearances instead of passing 75 years of freedom. She said that it has been 75 years since Pakistan was created. The Independence Day was celebrated with enthusiasm across the country. Defense of Human Rights and relative of missing persons questioned freedom of their loved ones.

This was stated by Amina Masood Janjua in a statement issued on the occasion of 75th Independence Day of Pakistan on Sunday. Amina Masood Janjua said when they lived in joint Pakistan; they used to complain about insecurity of their lives and oppression from Hindus. After successfully chalking out a new state, they ceased worrying about insecurity. She maintained that Pakistan was created on the ideology guaranteeing safety to citizens irrespective of sect, creed and ethnicity. She was of the view that circumstances to Pakistanis were ironical to what the ideology propagated where state institutions were adamant to snatch their freedom. “In an independent state, possessing an active constitution, our lives are jeopardized and our loved ones are being forcibly disappeared” she said.

Describing the prevailing atmosphere of uncertainty, Amina Masood Janjua questioned as if the purpose of getting liberated was that their freedom was snatched by institutions enjoying a mandate to defend us. She added that celebration independence lost its meaning when people were suffering from agony of getting their loved ones forcibly disappeared.

Amina Masood Janjua quoted Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah assuring a thorough freedom to all Pakistanis and protection of belongings; however, she regretted that things were happening the other way round.

On the other hand, after lapse of a year, disappeared 36 years old Moinuddin, resident of Alam Town Attock, who is also deaf and dumb, had not returned home since 14th August of last year whereas his parents have none other to depend on. His brother Salahuddin apprised that his brother had a whitish complexion having height of 5.9 feet bearing a light beard went out of home on 14th August last year but did not return back. He added that his parents were sure that Moinuddin had been picked up by security institutions, adding that instead of making all out efforts we remained fail to recover him.