Vote determines the future of nations: Raja Pervez Ashraf

ISLAMABAD, Dec 07 (SABAH): Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that vote is a fundamental right of each eligible citizen. He said that continuity of democratic process is interlinked effective and appropriate use of right of vote. He added, “each vote plays a foundational role to render the building of democracy strong.”

Raja Pervez Ashraf expressed these views on National Voter Day, which is commemorated across Pakistan every year on 7th December.

Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that this day has gained vital significance especially in upcoming General Elections. He said that the continuity of democratic process in Pakistan is interlinked with appropriate use of this right. Further, he also said that casting vote is the sensitive responsibility on the shoulder of each eligible citizen which should be fulfilled to lead Pakistan on the path of development and progress.

The NA Speaker added, “the major chunk of population in Pakistan comprises youth and encouraging youth to caste their vote in the best interest of country and to best candidate is primary need of hour. He also underscored that the turn out of votes in the upcoming elections would play a decisive role in the continuity of democratic process. Furthermore, the Speaker urged women to cast their votes in the upcoming elections as per their aspirations.