Verdict of full court bench is only solution to constitutional crisis, source of political stability: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, April 11 (SABAH): Naib Emir Jamaat-e-Islami and Secretary Milli Yekjehti Council, Liaqat Baloch has said that verdict of full court bench is only a solution to the constitutional crisis as well as a source of political stability. He stressed upon the political leaders to abide by constitution instead of delivering speeches and making tall claims.

Liaqat Baloch expressed these views during an aftaar dinner held in PP-168 as well as at Al-Qudas conference on Tuesday. He further said that holy month of Ramazan is a great training program of Almighty Allah for Muslim Ummah and it creates among the Muslims a number of qualities including fear of Almighty Allah, sprit of assisting deserving human beings, forbearance, courage and patience and added that fear of Almighty Allah means to act in open as well as in private life according to His will.

Naib emir Jamaat-e-Islami stressed upon the youth to defeat evils with the spirit of fastings and recitation of Holy Quran and continued that Mustafavi System and competent leadership were need of hour for the establishment of an Islamic, welfare and an ideal justice-based system.

He further said Pakistan has been continuously facing political, administrative and constitutional crisis since polls of 2018 and added that former prime minister and Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan made records of incompetency and inability in Centre, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which forced the then opposition to bring no-confidence motion against the government.

After Imran Khan’s stint, he said the coalition government has imposed cruelties, barbarism and financial crisis on the masses, adding this government was facing defeat at each and every front but hell-bent to stick to power unjustifiably. He said the coalition government is trying every way for escaping from the elections and added that Imran Khan committed a mistake by dissolving assemblies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while the incumbent government further exacerbated the situation.

Liaqat Baloch noted that a Supreme Court’s bench consisting of all judges should issue verdict for safeguarding constitution of the country, holding of elections and thwarting the violation from the constitution and added only decision of full court bench will put an end to prevailing crisis and prove a source of political stability. Huge debacle is writing on the wall if the politicians abstained from holding elections and taking forwards the dialogue process simultaneously, he warned.

Liaqat Baloch maintained it has been over 50 years since constitution was formed but partial implementation was done on the constitution in 50 years. He said the rulers have failed in Pakistan an Islamic and welfare state, where supremacy of law could prevail. The dictators distorted the Constitution whereas political democratic powers exploited constitution for coming into power but they didn’t fully act upon it, he deplored. Now time has come to put an end to violation of constitution, he said and stressed upon leaders to follow constitution instead of only delivering speeches and making hollow claims.