UNDP delegations calls on Convener Parliamentary Taskforce on SDGs Bilal Azhar Kayani

ISLAMABAD, July 18 (SABAH): United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Delegation comprising Regional Advisor – UNDP Ms. Najia Hashemee, Chief Technical Advisor – SELP Ms. Mary Cummins, Deputy Chief Technical Advisor – SELP Ali Al-Bayati, & Program Advisor M. Qasim Janjua – SELP called on the Convener Parliamentary Taskforce on Sustainable Development Goals Bilal Azhar Kayani today at the SDGs Secretariat, Parliament House, Islamabad.

The Delegation briefed the Convener regarding the particular interest of UNDP in providing assistance and facilitation to the Parliamentary Taskforce in SDG Goal 5 – Gender Equality, SDG Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities & SDG Goal 16 – Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions along with plans of initiation of a 5-year plan titled, “Integrated Governance Inclusion Program” to begin in January, 2025 and conclude in December, 2029.

Convener SDGs Bilal Azhar Kayani, during the meeting, elaborated on the future plans of the Parliamentary Taskforce on SDGs and the 4 sub-groups created under the Parliamentary Task Force by dividing the 17 SDG goals into 4 categories defined by the United Nations itself to ensure dedicated and effective pursuance of the 17 SDGs related to the betterment, welfare and promotion of People, Prosperity, Planet (Earth) and a clubbed category of Peace & Partnerships. Each of the sub-group has a sub-convener, belonging from each of the 4 large parliamentary political parties, each gender & both houses of Parliament to ensure further bi-partisanship & gender-equality.

The UNDP delegation expressed confidence in the Convenorship of Bilal Azhar Kayani and agreed to extend assistance and support in maintaining a meaningful working relation with various UN Departments and in conducting, participating and facilitating, the Parliamentary Taskforce on SDGs, in a series of sessions aimed at knowledge-building and capacity building of MPs to equip them with knowledge required for meaningful contributions in the legislative process and parliamentary committee meetings related to the attainment of the 17 SDGs, which are also a part of Pakistan’s National Agenda.