Under the Alkhidmat Alfalah Scholarship 5,269 intelligent & brilliant boys & girls’ students have completed their education: Prof. Dr. Hafeezur Rehman

RAWALPINDI, Sep 23 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman has said that under the Alkhidmat Alfalah Scholarship 5,269 intelligent and brilliant boys and girls’ students have completed their education. He said that process of helping the intelligent students facing financial difficulties is continued from last over two decades.

He said that Alkhidmat scholarship is part of the education program of the Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan, adding that the purpose of this program is to continue the education of the students who are unable to complete their education due to the financial difficulties.

On the matter President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman said that nearly 23 million children in Pakistan are deprived of going to school. He said that the annual population growth in Pakistan is 1.9 percent but the increase in literacy rate is one percent annually. He said that the selection is made on merit of those students who are intelligent and facing financial problems and then they are provided the scholarship for higher education.

Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman said that currently from all four provinces of the country, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, the educational scholarships are being provided to 936 students for higher education irrespective of the discrimination of creed, caste, colour, religion and political affiliation.

Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman said that those scholars who have so far completed their education through Alfalah Scholarship include 604 Doctors, 710 Engineers, 1150 BS Honors/Masters, 256 Associate Engineering, 528 Graduates and 2021 intermediate. So far overall 5269 intelligent and brilliant boys and girls’ students have been provided the scholarships.

Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman said that these successful scholars not only looking after their families but also performing duties in a well manner in different administrative institutions and other fields.