Under information & communication blockade India is actively manipulating demographic landscape of IIOJK: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, Dec 09 (SABAH): Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mullick has said that the ideologies espoused by fascists Modi and Netanyahu pose a significant threat to global peace. She asserted that freedom from Indian occupation is the rightful destiny of Jammu and Kashmir.

She was addressing the International Human Rights Day Conference 2023 organized by the International Human Rights Observer. Mushaal Mullick said that the dignity of the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir was being compromised on daily basis through excessive use of force, arbitrary and unlawful detentions, political persecution, restrictions on movement, enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings and use of rape as a weapon.

SAPM decried the underreporting of devastation caused by conventional, chemical, and phosphorous bombs used by the Israeli forces. She said that genocide was inevitable under fascist regimes.

Mushaal Mullick expressed satisfaction with the global debate surrounding the atrocities in Palestine and IIOJK and the widespread condemnation of violence against the Kashmiri and Palestinian people. Mushaal appealed to the international community, urging them to recognize the equal value of the blood of Kashmiri and Palestinian people, emphasizing the urgency of addressing their plight.

Speaking about her husband and the Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader, Mohammad Yasin Malik, Mushaal Mullick lamented that Yasin Malik, recognized globally as the Gandhi of Kashmir for his non-violent pursuit of freedom, endured the most heinous torture in Indian jails, resulting in the loss of sight in one eye and partial paralysis of his body. Mushaal said that she and her infant daughter were physically and mentally tortured while they were on a visit to IIOJK. She expressed deep concern, questioning the feasibility of an amicable resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir issue when the peaceful political leadership of the region is unjustly imprisoned.

Mushaal Mullick noted that Syed Ali Shah Geelani, a prominent Kashmiri leader, passed away in confinement within a sub-jail. She highlighted that even in death; his resting place is akin to a sub-jail, as no one is permitted to pay their respects at his grave.

Mushaal underscored that through information and communication blockade in IIOJK, India is actively manipulating the demographic landscape. This move is designed to obstruct the rightful demand for self-determination by the people of IIOJK.

Mushaal also enlightened the audience about the ongoing initiatives within the 100-day plan initiated by the Ministry of Human Rights. Emphasizing inclusivity, she highlighted that the input from all segments of society had been integrated into this comprehensive plan.

Mushaal Hussein Mullick and Sabien Hussein Mullick (Focal Person to SAPM) distributed awards and certificates among the organizers and participants of the event, acknowledging their commitment to the cause of human rights.