UN, Int’l community should declare Muhammad Yasin Malik as prisoner of conscience, protective personality: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, June 08 (SABAH): Mushaal Hussain Mullick, the wife of jailed Kashmiri leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said that the fascist Indian government was hell-bent to commit a “judicial murder” of her husband and demanded United Nation and international community to declare him as prisoner of conscience and protective personality to prevent his unlawful execution.

In a strong-worded statement on Thursday, Mushaal Mullick, Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organization, notorious Modi-led government wanted to eliminate Yasin Malik as Indian’s top anti-terrorism investigation agency once again sought his death sentence in fake and concocted case.

She urged that United Nations Secretary General António Guterres should urgently intervene to avert the plot of judicial murder of Yasin Malik, who was being merely targeted for his political beliefs. The Chairperson stated that her husband only crime was that he refused to accept the Indian dictates on Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).”

The Hurriyat leader went on to say that fascist authorities deprived the voice of Kashmir of his fundamental right to defend himself in the court of law after implicating him in a concocted and fabricated case.

She recalled that India had a long history of using the judiciary and other state apparatus to suppress the political and democratic dissent and legitimate political voices in the occupied valley and thus now hell-bent on eliminating Yasin Malik by using its judiciary.

Mushaal Mullick feared that the apartheid regime, which thrived on communal divide and anti-Muslim sentiment, could use the unlawful execution of Yasin Malik as a means to regain popularity and to bolster chances of retaining power in the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections scheduled for 2024, because he was reckoned one of the top rank campaigners of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.” However, she made it clear that the Kashmiri nation would not be petrified and terrified through such brutal tactics, as they had been exercising the state terrorism and deaths for the last over seven decades.

Mushaal Mullick warned that Modi-led government to show sanity and should release Yasin Malik and other Kashmiri prisoners as handing of Yasin Malik could not suppress the Kashmir freedom movement, however, it would further fan the fire and engulf the whole region, which would be in no one interest. She said that India is behaving in same fashion as British colonists and ignoring that India was once colony of British and Mushaal Mullick went on to say that Indians were firm believers that Britishers were external invaders same was the situation of IIOJK, adding that Kashmir was disputed territory as per UN resolutions and International laws so NIA had no mandate in Kashmir including other Indian agencies.

She asked did Indian accept Baghat Singh, Munghal Panday and Subash Chandler Bose as terrorists or heros, adding that Yasin Malik’s position was the same in Kashmir and role of India in Kashmir. Mushaal stated that neither Baghat Singh nor Mangahal Panday or other freedom fighters were terrorists nor killing them helped Britishers and how can Yasin’s hanging would help India. The Hurriyat leader stated that opening 30 years old case without any concrete evidence depicted that it was nothing but Indian state terrorism to silence the true voice of Kashmiri freedom fight. She urged that world media, INGOs and key global actors must raise the political victimization of Yasin Malik at global radar so as to foil to Indian nefarious plot of his Judicial murder.

Mushaal Mullick reminded that Indian was violating all laws including Geneva Conventions, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the convention against torture and other cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment as well as customary international law codified in Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment of Prisoners adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council in Yasin Malik’s case. She stated that the actual purpose of putting him in behind bars was to break his resolve.

“I demand that united nation and international community to declare Yasin Malik as prisoner of conscience and protective personality and also appeal to release him as well as all political prisoners in IIOJK.