Three main political parties are responsible for the country crises, people must chose capable and honest leadership to put the country on track: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE: July 14:The impartiality of the courts is a key to restore public confidence in the judicial delivery system, says Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq.

Addressing public rally in connection of by-poll campaign of the JI candidates in PP-167 and PP-170 in Township Lahore on Thursday, he appealed to the Supreme Court to take action against the people named in Panama Leaks and Pandora Papers.

Saying the corruption was the biggest hurdle in development, he said had the action been taken against the corrupt people, the country could have been averted the political and economic crises.

It was irony that in Pakistan the most corrupt people served at the most important posts, he regretted, saying the corruption, inflation, poverty and load shedding were the gift of the past and present rulers to the people of Pakistan.

Holding the three main political parties (the PML-N, the PPP and the PTI) governments responsible for the crises, he said the people must chose capable and honest leadership to put the country on track.

He said the foreign and the IMF loans were not solution to the economic crisis. He said the government must get rid of the interest-based economy and end VIP culture and non-developmental expenses to fix the problems. He said it was due to the rulers that Pakistan caught in worst debt trap. He said no one knew where the billions of dollars which the frequent governments received in terms of loans over years had been gone.

He expressed grief over the loss of human lives and property due to rains and flooding. He said it was not the first time that rains and floods destroyed public property, killed people and exposed the government preparations for emergency situation. The biggest city of the country turned into a pool of water and dirt, exposing the capability of the political party ruling the province for consecutive 15 years.He said the governments must compensate the people against damages. He directed the workers and volunteers of the JI to expedite welfare activities in the affected areas and particularly in Karachi.

Sirajul Haq demanded the government bring down petroleum products prices at Rs150 per liter and other commodities by 35 percent to 50 percent. He said the government must provide fuel to power plants to end load shedding.