Thousands of people participate in rallies held in different cities on the call of Sirajul Haq to express solidarity with Palestinian Muslims

LAHORE, April 22 (SABAH): Thousands of people on Friday participated in the rallies held in different cities of the country to express solidarity with the Palestinian Muslims.

Rallies were taken out in connection with “Palestine Solidarity Day.” Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq had given the call to mark the day after naked aggression of Israeli forces on Masjid-e-Aqsa a few days ago. The attack of occupying forces led to the martyrdom and injuries of many innocent Muslims when they were gathered in the mosque to offer prayer. The Israeli forces also arrested hundreds of Palestinian after the attack.

Addressing party workers at Mansoorah, Sirajul Haq expressed regret over the silence of the rulers of Muslim world on Israeli aggression. He said the western powers instead of condemning the Israeli act were rather patronizing it. He said more than 50 years had been passed to the Palestinians struggle but they were not being provided any justice. The Israeli forces, he added, were engaged in worst human rights abuses in the occupied areas. He said many Islamic states instead of taking bold stance against Israel atrocities were wanting friendly relations with Zionist state. He said the Muslims population was being victimized because of their faith in different parts of world.

Islamophobia, Sirajul Haq said, and hate crimes against Muslim population have become permanent features in west for last many years. India, he said, was also victimizing Muslim population in different states and it involved in Kashmiri genocide in the occupied valley. He said Pakistani rulers had taken weak stance on the fascist acts of the Modi government against Kashmiris and Muslims population of India. 

Talking about political situation, he said the new government was the continuation of the former regimes of status quo. He said the PTI failed to bring any change and it handed over the country to those who already ruled over country for decades. He said the ruling elite was responsible to the plight of the public and Pakistan could not move forwards without getting rid of the status quo forces and tested faces.