Those who remained in power for years should narrate their performance instead of making new hollow claims: Sirajul Haq

UPPER DIR, July 16 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has said those who remained in power for years should narrate their performance instead of making new hollow claims.

The PML-N, the PPP and the PTI could not deliver despite being in power, Sirajul Haq added while addressing local government representatives of the JI in Upper Dir on Saturday. He said the dictators and so-called democratic parties destroyed the 75 years of Pakistan, putting the country on reverse gear.

It was because of the rulers that country lost its half part, he said, adding Pakistan was inching towards crises with every day passing. Today, he said, the national economy was on the verge of collapse, hours long load shedding hitting hard the poor masses who were even deprived of basic facilities. “Masses must think who is responsible for their plight.”

The rulers should tell the people why millions of children were out of schools and why even basic health facilities were unavailable to the majority, he said.

Sirajul Haq said the mafias and feudal lords had made the people hostages for years. They invest on major political parties and reclaim their capital with heavy interest after every election, he said, adding the dirty game continued for decades.

He said the JI fought for long years against interest-based economy and when the Federal Shariah Court decided in favor, the government challenged the decision through the State Bank before the Supreme Court of Pakistan. The government, he said, was now seeking 20 years to introduce ribe free banking and financial system. He said the riba was war against Allah Almighty but the Muslims rulers of Islamic Democratic Pakistan wanted to continue the war for two decades.

The JI chief said the country needed capable and honest leadership. Without getting rid of the tested faces and warders, no change could come, he added.

“I appealed to the people to choose JI over the tested parties. If voted to power, the JI would transform Pakistan into welfare Islamic state” Sirajul Haq concluded.