Those who raised slogan of food, clothing, shelter actually snatched away these bare necessities of life from people: Ameerul Azim

LAHORE, July 30 (SABAH): Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami, Ameerul Azim has said that those who raised slogan of food, clothing and shelter actually snatched away these bare necessities of life from the masses. 

Ameerul Azim expressed these views while addressing a ceremony under the “Banu Qabil IT Program” held under the auspices of Jamaat-e-Islami PP-162 on Sunday. He further said those who introduced the ‘Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro’ scheme when left power nation came to know that country’s debt had mounted three times.

“No change occurred even during stint of those who used to claim of converting governor houses, President House and Prime Minister House into universities,” he remarked.

On this occasion, Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Central Punjab Javed Kasuri, Emir District Lahore Ziauddin Ansari, candidate for provincial assembly PP-162 Waqas Ahmed Butt, Engineer Ahmed Hammad Rashid, one thousand women who participated in IT courses and others were present.

He said that Pakistan was self-sufficient in the decade of 1960 in producing tractors, vehicles, several industrial produces and added it was advanced than those of China and Vietnam in this sector while after decade of 1970, doors of politics were shut for layman and opened for the monsters.

Ameerul Azim noted that Pakistan’s 64 percent population contains youths and added the Jamaat-e-Islami will build such centres of employment for the youth that they will be able to earn respectable incomes while sitting at homes after completing IT courses. He said they would assist youths in obtaining jobs across the whole world.

Addressing on the occasion, Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Central Punjab Javed Kasuri lamented that in wake of anti-country policies of the current as well as the past rulers, over one million Pakistanis were forced to exit the country recently as there are no honest leaders.

He reiterated the resolve that Jamaat-e-Islami after coming into power will convert Pakistan into corruption-free country while putting an end to interest system and perks and privileges of the powerful segments of the society.

Ziauddin Ansari, Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi, Samina Saeed, Waqas Ahmed Butt, Engineer Ahmed Hammad and others also shared their views with the participants of the ceremony.