Those who persecuted & tortured the Jews for centuries were Europe & its countries: Dr. Basem Naim

GAZA, April 27 (SABAH) Dr. Basem Naim, Head of Department of Politics and Foreign Relations, The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas has said that in a video message the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen addressed to the Zionist entity on the occasion of its foundation 75 years ago, the European lady expresses a lot of political hypocrisy and ignorance of history.

In a statement issued on Thursday Dr. Basem Naim said that the establishment of the entity 75 years ago was not a dream that came true, but rather a nightmare that still haunts our people, their present and their future. Our people are still paying the price for this sin committed by the West and its countries. Those who persecuted and tortured the Jews for centuries were Europe and its countries, and those Jews did not find a safe place except in our Arab and Islamic countries. Do not atone for your sins at the expense of our people and their future, Dr. Basem Naim said.

Dr. Basem Naim said that Mrs. von der Leyen, in her speech, republishes the lies promoted by the leaders of the Zionist project. Palestine was never a desert in order to get blossomed during the era of Zionist barbarism and brutality. Thousands of years ago, Palestine was the cradle of civilizations and a meeting place for coexistence between peoples and the path of knowledge and progress from east to west. Its scholars filled the world with light, knowledge and awareness, and its exports and products reached all corners of the earth, and in the heart of it was Europe, hundreds of years ago, Dr. Basem Naim said.

Dr. Basem Naim said that Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen: We expected that you would atone for your sin on this occasion, by reminding the world of the tragedy that our people have been living through for 75 years, and that you would demand that the Zionist war criminals be brought to justice for what their hands committed against our people and our homeland and its capabilities.