Those who ate away loans taken on the name of country should pay back: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, May 31 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq has said that those who ate away loans taken on the name of country, should pay them back while blood of poor segments of the society must be stopped to squeeze further.

Sirajul Haq expressed these views while addressing at Jamia Ashrafia and interviewing with private TV channels at Mansoorah on Wednesday. He further said that 23rd program of International Monetary Fund (IMF) was ongoing while the country was going backward instead of going towards development and prosperity and added it was facing worst economic crisis of the history.

He further said that the nation demands of the rulers to present them for accountability, terming it right of the nation. He was of the view that the world has reached Mars as fields of artificial intelligence and Information Technology were bringing revolutions whereas in this land of ours, over 80 percent of the population has no clean drinking water.

While expressing his concerns over the economic situation of the country, he noted all the claims of minister for finance proved to be tall claims as the government was staring at the International Monetary Fund with a view of presenting budget. He added five ministers for finance were changed during the five last years, saying all those reached Washington for begging money.

Sirajul Haq deplored that the institutions and political parties were fighting with one another for the sake of their own interests while the poor segments of the society were fighting with poverty, inflation and unemployment. He added only two percent aristocracy was occupying the resources, saying the previous as well as current government were equally responsible for the current deteriorated situation of the country.

Sirajul Haq warned the government that if relief was not given to poor segments of the society, they will take out countrywide protest against it and added the governments could not bring reforms even in a single department. He said that bad governance, corruption and interest-based economy were the root causes of all the issues.

He appealed to the religious scholars to take their voice against cruelty and injustice and stand by Jamaat-e-Islami for bringing change in the obsolete system. “Pakistan came into being on basis of “Two Nations Theory” and Islam has solution of its problems. All the systems were tested during the last 75 years. Now the public should bring an Islamic System,” he remarked.

Sirajul Haq further said that mosques and seminaries were forts of Islam and added that Jamaat-e-Islami was protector of the seminaries. He added that Jamaat-e-Islami is also the guardian of Islamic belief of ‘Finality of Prophethood (SAWW)’. He said if Islam would have been enforced earlier, Pakistan would have not been dismembered into two parts in the form of Bangladesh and deplored that the corrupt capitalists remained stick to power and created divisions in the nation by promoting prejudices. He suggested that there is need to give the nation powers so that they could select leadership for them through free, fair and transparent elections.