The article of the honorable Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini.On the Occasion of the 44th Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution

Forty-four years ago on February 1979, the most popular revolutions of the 20th century won amidst a cold winter. The revolution succeeded through the all-out support on the side of the people participating in the rallies led by the founding father of the movement, Imam Khomeini (R.A). Throughout the past years, despite the treacheries, conspiracies and obstacles fabricated by the hostile enemies of Iran such as imposed war, sanctions, terrorism, the maximum pressure campaign, Iran has not stopped its progress train, moving non-stop in the direction of scientific, economic and technological achievements in order to gain self-sufficiency in different fields including industry, agriculture and technology. The statistics and figures presented by the reputable international institutions indicate that Iran has enjoyed all-round progress and development year by year, especially in the field of science and technology.
Before the revolution, the Iran society struggles a lot to overthrew the royal regime and removed foreign-affiliated elements from the Iranian political scene. Finally, the endeavors and resistance resulted in the establishment of a system based upon the religious democracy and the increase in the role of the people in the determination of their destiny. Since then, the Iranian nationals have a predominant role in the determination of their political and social destiny through the different democratic elections of the head of the different powers and institutions directly or indirectly.
The government and people of Iran are proud to have proven in these 44 years that; when it’s time for the negotiations based on mutual respect and respectable agreement, they always respect the agreements and are fully committed to all the commitments agreed upon by them. Where they face with the maximum oppressive pressure, they will inflict an unprecedented defeat on the founders of the economic terrorism with maximum and heroic resistance, and when there it comes the for the violation of their rights and aggression by the hostile sides, they have defended the security of their country with courage and determination.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has played an incomparable role in ensuring the stability and security of the region and the world with heroic sacrifices at the forefront of the fight against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking. Iran has paid a heavy cost in this way and sacrificed valuable lives in the fight against the afore-mentioned plights.
We commemorate the memory of Iran’s national heroes, as well as the hero of the fight against terrorism and extremism, Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani and all the martyrs who sacrificed their valuable lives to ensure peace and security in the region and the world.
Iran, enjoying its geographical strategic location, enormous natural resources, human resources and a large potential market, has a great and pristine capacity to develop and expand economic and trade cooperation in all fields with all the countries.
During the last few years, the relations between the two friendly, brotherly and neighboring countries, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, have been growing in various fields. This level of connection and solidarity between the two countries is based upon the commonalities and links that have been formed between these two countries during the ages.
Past and present are the harbingers of a bright tomorrow for our dear homelands of Iran and Pakistan.
I wish a bright, promising and prosperous future with all-round improvement of the relations and between the two brotherly, friendly and neighbouring countries of Iran and Pakistan.
Long live comities