Speakers of a webinar ask civil societies of EU to play their effective role to stop human rights violations in IIOK

BRUSSELS, Feb 07 (SABAH): Speakers of a webinar have asked the civil societies of the European Union to play their effective role to stop human rights violations in Indian illegal occupied Kashmir.

The webinar was organized by Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) in connection with solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The webinar was addressed by Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, Chairperson Peace and Culture Organization, Mikulas Krivansky a Slivakian born Hungarian journalist, Brussels based Hungarian journalist Endre Barcs, Ewite Klei a Journalist and Historian from Netherland and Ms. Claire Badwell and Ms. Sheni Human Rights Activist from UK. Policy Analyst and Academic personality from UK Sadia Mir moderated the webinar.

Chairman KC-EU said, we have already started awareness campaign on Kashmir issue in Europe but its speed is slow due to covid-19 now a days. Our target is public opinion and civil society. He said, there is a need of public awareness about the atrocities against the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Chairperson Peace and Culture Organization Mushaal Hussain Mullick who is wife of noted Kashmiri leader Muhammad Yasin Malik said, it is about seven years, she could meet her husband due to restrictions imposed by the Indian government. She said, fake encounters committed by the security forces have been increased and Kashmiri youth are being targeted in the encounters. She demanded the International community to stop youth genocide through these fake encounters.

Mikulas Krivansky a Slivakian born Hungarian journalist said, we should write about the difficulties and rights of people of Kashmir. We can use the media to raise the issue. He said, as I support the minorities in all over the world, I support the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He added, things happening with the people in Indian occupied Kashmir are not fair. Another Hungarian journalist based in Brussels said, minorities under Modi government face brutalities and people of occupied Kashmir are also being targeted.

Policy Analyst and academic personality Sadia Mir who moderated the webinar said, international community should play its role in order to protect the rights of people of Jammu and Kashmir. She said, all the freedom lovers should collectively raise their voice in favour of people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Claire Badwell Human Rights Activist said, people working for human rights should unitedly work to stop the human rights violations in the Indian occupied Kahmir. She said, people of Jammu and Kashmir should be given right to participate in the plebiscite to decide their political future.