Speakers of a seminar in Brussels call for end of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir immediately

BRUSSELS, Dec 10, (SABAH): Speakers of a seminar in Brussels, the European Headquarters called that violations of human rights in Occupied Kashmir should be ended immediately.

The seminar was organized by Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) on the international day of human rights. The senior leader of KC-EU Ch. Khalid Joshi presided over the seminar participated by Kashmiri and Pakistani and European intellectuals and experts. Among the speakers were Ch. Khalid Joshi, Sardar Mehmood, Endre Barcs, Sardar Siddique, Shiraz Raj, Hafiz Unib Rashid and Shazia Aslam. Iftikhar Ahmed, Raza Chaudhry, Mir Shah Jahan, Aslam Shah, Mahar Nadeem and Raja Abdul Qayum were among other participants.

The speakers asked the international community, especially the European Union’s leaders to play their role in ending human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.

They appealed for the immediate release of Kashmiri human rights leaders Khurram Parvez, Ahsan Unto and Kashmiri political leaders including Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmad Shah and other Kashmiri prisoners.

The speakers of the seminar expressed deep concern over the ongoing Indian atrocities in the Indian illegally Occupied Kashmir and demanded to end these atrocities and give Kashmiris their right to self-determination.

They said that for a fair solution to the Kashmir issue, it is necessary to stop atrocities in Occupied Kashmir, release all political prisoners, end India’s state terrorism and take steps to withdraw Indian forces from Occupied Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed, who is on a visit to Pakistan, in a statement on the day of human rights asked the international community special European Union’s authorities to put pressure on India to immediately end crimes of Indian security forces against people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and grant them right to self determination according the UN’s resolutions on Kashmir.

Ali Raza Syed said, since 1947, people of occupied Kashmir are facing endless hardships as their miseries are being increased day by day. It is duty of international community including Europe Union to take immediate steps in order to end the atrocities against the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. So that situation of that disputed land should be normalized and people of Jammu and Kashmir should be provided a peaceful atmosphere where they can use their right to self determination in accordance with their wishes and according to United Nations resolutions.