Speaker National Assembly exposes himself to be bound by his party line: Raza Rabbani

ISLAMABAD, Mar 13 (SABAH): Pakistan People’s Party senior leader and former chairman senate, Senator Mian Raza Rabbani has said that the recent statement of the Speaker, National Assembly, on the Resolution for Vote of No Confidence against the Prime Minister, is conduct unbecoming of a Speaker, as at the instant moment Notice of such a Resolution is pending before him.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Mian Raza Rabbani said that a Requisition under Article 53, Constitution, 1973, to summon a session of the Assembly to move the Vote of No Confidence, is also pending before the Speaker.

He said that Under Article 53, Constitution, 1973, it is the Speaker who has to summon the session, if such be the views of the Speaker on the Vote of No Confidence, can it be expected that he will exercise his power of summoning reasonably, it appears not.

He said that the Speaker has exposed himself to be bound by his Party line, such is not the role of the Speaker, who has to be neutral in the application of the rules, law and the Constitution in the House.

Mian Raza Rabbani said that his conduct must inspire confidence in the Opposition and Treasury Benches. His silence on the arrest of MNAs and raid on Parliamentary Lodges, which is under his jurisdiction, shows his bias.

He said that it is the responsibility of the Speaker under the rules and the Constitution, 1973, to ensure that every Member has unhindered access to the House to perform his Parliamentary duties including casting of a vote, being one of the most scared. No Member regardless of the Party he belongs to or the position his party may take on a particular issue, can be prevented from coming to the House and exercising his right of vote or taking part in the business of the House. If there be any consequences under the law they follow once the violation, if any, has taken place. The Speaker has maintained a meaningful silence on this issue.

He said that the Speaker must clarify his position to his Members, House and the people of Pakistan. He must realize that international Parliamentary tradition is that once a Speaker is elected during the tenure he has no link with the Executive or his Party.