Situation of prisoners of occupied Jammu & Kashmir held in Indian jails will be highlighted: Ghulam Muhammad Safi

ISLAMABAD, June 16 (SABAH): On the occasion of International Day of Victims of Violence, a special event will be held in Muzaffarabad on June 26 organized by All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Kashmir branch. In this event, the situation of the prisoners of occupied Jammu and Kashmir in Indian jails will be highlighted.

All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Kashmir Chapter Convener Ghulam Mohammad Safi has said that all the political, religious, social and student organizations of Azad Jammu and Kashmir are being sincerely invited to participate in this program so that voice for Musrrat Alam Butt, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Dr. Fayyaz, Dr. Faktoo, Pir Saifullah, Merajuddin Kalwal, Ameer Hamza, Ayaz Akbar, Maulvi Bashir Ahmad, Naeem Ahmad Khan, Asia Andrabi, Nahida Nasreen,Zaffar Akbar Bhat and Fahmida Sufi and other thousands of arrested people could be raised.

Ghulam Muhammad Safi has said in a statement issued for media that before and after August 5, 2019, the Kashmiri leadership has been imprisoned in notorious Indian prisons away from their relatives so that they could not think to travel to far-flung areas.

He said it is enough to understand the pain and anguish that the captives and their families go through. To share this pain, All Parties Hurriyat Conference on Wednesday, June 26, 10:00 AM in Muzaffarabad, on the UN World Day in Support of Victims of Torture, a short but enthusiastic program is being held on the occasion.

Ghulam Muhammad Safi said that all political, religious, social and student organizations of Azad Jammu and Kashmir are sincerely invited to participate in this program so that voice could be raised for the release of thousands of arrested people in Indian jails and this voice should be conveyed to international organizations through international media.