Sirajul Haq warns political parties against the dangerous outcome of unending political & constitutional crises in Punjab

LAHORE, June 15 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has warned the political parties against the dangerous outcome of unending political and constitutional crises in Punjab.

In a statement issued from Mansoorah on Wednesday, Sirajul Haq said the masses of the biggest province had become a sandwich in the clash among the ruling elite. He said almost all political parties were in the government in center or provinces or both and only the JI was playing the role of real opposition. The ruling parties, he said, were least concerned about the problems of the masses. He said the ill-conceived economic policies prepared by the three main parties (the PML-N, the PPP and the PTI) during their stay in power brought the country to the level that its kitty was empty, trade deficit was gigantic and even the money for the salaries of the government servants was unavailable. The IMF, he said, was virtually controlling the economy and was dictating terms like masters did to their servants.

The federal and provincial budgets, Sirajul Haq said, were the documents prepared by the IMF. He said people were starving to death due to massive inflation. Prices of food items, fuel and electricity were not in the reach of common man, he added. The rulers, he said, were responsible to the overall crises and there seemed no ending to it if the people kept choosing the feudal lords, waderas and corrupt imperialists to the power. He said corruption and interest-based economy were the root causes of the problems. The public, he said, should vote for the honest and capable candidates in the polls to put the country on track.

Sirajul Haq said the JI had demanded the government take measures to abolish riba and provide relief to the public in the budget. The rulers, he said, badly disappointed the people and now they should be ready to face them. He said the JI would launch a train march against the government’s anti-poor policies and continue struggle till the transforming of Pakistan into an Islamic welfare state.