Sirajul Haq voices concern over the longstanding influence of feudal lords & waderas in southern Punjab

LAYYAH, Nov 17 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has voiced concern over the longstanding influence of feudal lords and waderas in southern Punjab, holding them responsible for the plight of the people of the area.

Addressing a women’s workers convention on Friday, Sirajul Haq said some political parties are functioning as familial entities and believed that governing the nation is a divine right for them and their descendants. Emphasizing the need to challenge the entrenched influence of waderas and dynastic politics, he underscored the pivotal role of women’s votes in dismantling the corrupt system. He urged the public to cast their votes in favor of JI in the upcoming elections.

Sirajul Haq outlined the JI’s commitment to addressing gender disparities, vowing that, if in power, the party would ensure women receive a fair share of property and would eliminate outdated customs. He pledged to provide interest-free loans to women, support small industries, and extend loans for the education of their children. He emphasized the JI’s determination to take stringent measures against crimes targeting women and children, making perpetrators exemplary figures in society. The JI, under his leadership, would establish women’s education universities and introduce separate buses for their transportation.

Sirajul Haq asserted the JI’s stance against the interest-based economic system, considering it a primary cause of the national economic downturn. Holding the former government responsible for the common man’s plight, inflation, and unemployment, he stressed the need for honest and dedicated leadership to harness the country’s abundant resources effectively.

The JI chief criticized the silence of Islamic world leaders, especially those in Pakistan, regarding Israeli atrocities in Gaza. He highlighted the JI’s ongoing efforts to champion the cause of Palestine, organizing rallies and marches nationwide to awaken leaders who, out of fear or appeasement of the US, refrain from speaking against Israel. He invited the public to participate in the historic Gaza March scheduled for Sunday in Lahore, urging them to join the movement against injustice.