Sirajul Haq requests CJP Umar Ata Bandial to issue orders for release of Maulana Hidayatur Rehman while declaring his detention illegal

LAHORE, May 14 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul has written a letter to Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial while drawing his attention towards the illegal detention of “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” chief and Jamaat-e-Islami Balochistan Secretary General Maulana Hidayatur Rehman Baloch. Sirajul Haq has requested CJP Umar Ata Bandial to issue orders for release of Maulana Hidayatur Rehman while declaring his detention illegal. Sirajul Haq stated that each and every segment of society expressed its satisfaction that head of “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” Maulana Hidayatur Rehman’s struggle is political, peaceful and within the domain of law and constitution; hence he must be released forthwith.

Through letter, he stated the Maulana Hidayatur Rehman believes in sovereignty of Pakistan, unity and solidarity and talks about the constitution of Pakistan and rule of law.

In the letter, he stated, “I want to divert your attention towards Balochistan which has been suffering from political, economical and social issues since long. It is the richest province of Pakistan in terms of resources but it is facing anarchy, corruption and economic deprivations. Balochistan couldn’t be put on the path of development despite governments several steps.”

He further stated, “District Gwadar has been facing economic and political anarchy since long besides corrupt administration and mafias squeezed the masses. Deficiency of fundamental human facilities as well as least opportunities of business in the province have increased inferiority complex and sorrow and anger among the masses.”

“Jamaat-e-Islami has always tried to create national harmony in the province by playing its positive role. “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” (headed by Maulana Hidayatur Rehman) highlighted issues of Gwadar which was embraced by masses across the country, particularly in Balochistan.

He mentioned, “In 2021, one-month long sit-in of “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” attracted attention of public opinion, national and international media and that all of them termed the demands of the movement as justified. Central leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami played basic role for resolution of issues while making a way out for discussion among federal, provincial governments and “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek”. Provincial government held negotiation with it and termed the movement’s demands as justified. Chief Minister Balochistan in front of national as well international media signed a written agreement.”

It stated, “Provincial government did not implement the written agreement for one year, hence, “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” in the last days of 2022 held a sit-in for the second time. When government and the administration did not take the sit-in serious, “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” entered into second phase of protest. On this occasion, federal government and administration requested the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan for cooperation.”

“As soon as we initiated our efforts, the government and administration used conventional tactics of pressure and threats and on wishes of some selfish notables it suddenly attacked the sit-in. They used teargas and resorted to baton-charge against the protestors, while injuring women and protestors besides registering false and fabricated cases against the masses. Police for the first time in the history set the private buildings and vehicles on fire and caused losses,” it added.

Sirajul Haq wrote that the police again committed torture against the protesters the next day and opened firing resulting in the death of one police cop. Sirajul Haq wrote “Maulana Hidayatur Rehman, who was not present on the scene, murder and other fake cases were lodged against him”. Sirajul Haq wrote that when Hidayatur Rehman appeared before the court he was arrested from court premises and was sent behind the bars, adding that all other workers of the movement were granted bails by the local court but Maulana Hidayatur Rehman’s bail was not approved instead of passing four months (120 days). Sirajul Haq wrote in his letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Umar Ata Bandial that allegedly pressure was put on the courts for rejecting his bail and now the perception is deepening that the administration and government are hindrance in approval of his bail application. 

Sirajul Haq wrote Maulana Hidayatur Rehman believes in sovereignty of Pakistan, unity and solidarity and talks about the Constitution of Pakistan and rule of law and he wants:

  • People of Gwadar should be given their rights, which have been promised by the Constitution of Pakistan
  • People should be given clean drinking water, electricity, gas, schools, colleges and hospitals
  • The right of the fishermen to earn livelihood in the sea should be kept intact and troller mafia should be eliminated
  • Barter trade should be restored so that the unemployment and inflation could be overcome
  • People should be gotten rid of the drug mafias and extortionist administration

Sirajul Haq further wrote that the leadership of the Jamaat-e-Islami has tried its best to bring improvement in the matters and normalize the circumstances and for this purpose has kept continued the cooperation with federal and provincial governments. Sirajul Haq wrote that we have time and again pressed upon the federal and provincial governments to follow the agreement signed with the “Haq Do Gwadar Tehreek” and should take visible steps for the implementation of the agreement. Sirjaul Haq wrote Maulana Hidayatur Rehman is a political worker and he is an innocent person and fake cases have been lodged against him, adding that he is loyal to the country, nation and Constitution of Pakistan and his whole struggle is democratic, political and for the prosperity of the masses. Sirajul Haq wrote that the government and administrative pressure on courts to stop the release of Maulana Hidayatur Rehman is illegal and it should be ended.

Sirajul Haq wrote now when the Supreme Court of Pakistan has declared that arrest from the court premises is illegal so it is requested that the arrest of Maulana Hidayatur Rehman should be declared illegal and orders should be issued regarding his release. Sirajul Haq wrote in the letter to Chief Justice of Pakistan that false cases should be abolished against Maulana Hidayatur Rehman so that the perception could be established that there are not two but “one Pakistan” and courts are independent and there are no double standards for the high gentry and common man.