Sirajul Haq proposs extending invitations to representatives from China, Russia & other non-member states of the OIC to join the ministerial-level meeting of OIC scheduled to take place in Jeddah

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has proposed extending invitations to representatives from China, Russia, and other non-member states of the OIC, who are currently condemning Israeli aggression against Palestinians, to join the ministerial-level meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation scheduled to take place in Jeddah today (Wednesday).

Presiding over a national conference on Palestine in Islamabad on Tuesday, he called for the establishment of an international fund to aid the people of Gaza. He informed the participants about the efforts of the al-Khidmat Foundation, the JI charity, in delivering assistance to the children and women in the Gaza Strip.
Notable figures from various political and religious parties, including PML-N leaders Raja Zafarul Haq and Ahsan Iqbal, PPP’s Senator Nayyar Bukhari, PTI’s Senator Barrister Ali Saif, and JUI-F Secretary General Abdul Ghaffor Haidri, were in attendance.
Sirajul Haq commended the unity displayed by political parties on the issue of Palestine, emphasizing that it underscored the nation’s unwavering support for the cause. He underscored that the unity of the Muslim ummah was the key to liberating Palestine from Israeli occupation.
The JI established the al-Quds Committee to raise awareness about the ongoing crisis in Palestine. This committee, led by Raja Zafarul Haq and coordinated by Liaqat Baloch, would hold meetings with the ambassadors of various countries.
The JI leader criticized the role of the United States in the current situation, highlighting that Washington was openly supporting Israel despite its blatant aggression against the innocent people of Palestine. Haq stressed that it was crucial for the leaders of the Muslim world to take concrete steps toward the liberation of Masjid-e-Aqsa and Palestine.
He pointed out that Israel was targeting civilians in Gaza with chemical weapons, resulting in thousands of people being trapped and in desperate need of food and water. He announced that the people of Pakistan would send ten million signed petitions to the UN Secretary-General in support of Palestine and urged the nation to boycott Israeli products.
A joint declaration passed on occasion unequivocally condemned Israel’s recent brutal aggression on Gaza and the West Bank, unfolding humanitarian disaster in Palestine and criminal negligence of the Western powers towards it.
It says Israel has intentionally targeted hospitals, schools, worship places, buildings carrying civilian populations, non-combatants including children, women and elderly, humanitarian workers, human rights activists, and media professionals in its offensive on Gaza. This is a blatant violation of universal human rights and international humanitarian law. The UN Security Council, International Criminal Court and human rights organizations must play their effective role and hold war criminals accountable for their notorious crimes.
“Israel has been trying to deceive the world and walk away from its war crimes by justifying its brutality as a reaction to Hamas’ provocation on October 7. In reality, the Hamas offensive was itself a reaction to the illegal occupation, ruthless dispossession of indigenous people and brutalities that Israel has been carrying out for 75 years.”
This forum is of the view that the conflict did not start on October 7, 2023; rather, it began with the occupation of Palestinian land in 1948. The Palestinians have been deprived of their land and their homes have been occupied for more than seven decades. Therefore, while immediate cessation of the current violence is imperative, finding a real and lasting solution to the conflict is equally crucial.
The real solution to the Palestine issue and unrest in the wider Middle East is the establishment of a free, autonomous state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. This conference calls the global community to recognize Palestine as an autonomous state in order to prevent any further bloodshed.
Global powers, the UN and its bodies are duty-bound to take decisive steps to stop Israeli aggression on Gaza and the West Bank. The supply of food, water, electricity, fuel and medical support also needs to be restored immediately. All UN bodies must take practical actions against the violation of human rights by Israel and ensure the protection of civilians irrespective of their geographical and political affiliation. Moreover, it needs to be acknowledged that Israel is a racist state that bases its laws and policies on apartheid and hatred discriminating on the basis of religion and race.
The global community must not wait for a massive humanitarian disaster and must exert pressure on Israel to stop its bombardment and siege of Gaza. Regional powers need to play their role in bringing the conflicting parties to the negotiation table for immediate de-escalation and ensure an uninterrupted supply of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The UN must act swiftly and decisively to establish a sustainable framework for a just and equitable resolution to the conflict.
Some Muslim countries have raised strong voices on the recent escalation. However, the collective response of Muslim governments cannot be considered satisfactory, keeping the gravity and intensity of Israel’s aggression in view. Muslim governments and organizations need mutual consultation for a strong and unified stance. The global community requires practical steps to stop Israel from its brutal offensive in Gaza. OIC, which was established to strategize the Palestine cause and protect Al-Quds, should immediately convene its emergency meeting on the issue with an aim to adopt a focused strategy. OIC should take Israel to the International Criminal Court for its war crimes. Moreover, the Muslim countries need to reconsider their relations with the states openly supporting Israel for its atrocities in Palestine.
Muslim countries that have normalized ties with Israel and those considering this option should use this opportunity to reconsider their policies.
The states that have put their weight on Israel’s side in the current conflict, those who support irrational and illegal Israeli stance and those who stand neutral in this conflict must understand that military might and material resources neither decide right or wrong nor guarantee ultimate success. This has been proved in several wars, even in the 21st century. Nations and states must not choose between right and wrong based on so-called national interests and prejudices. Israel’s actions in the Middle East and atrocities by India in occupied Kashmir have worsened only due to such selfish policies of global powers.
Academics, intellectuals, opinion-leaders and policymakers also need to understand that the current system of global governance, which is based on lust for power, selfish interests and unjust alliances, has only brought unrest, conflicts, and wars to the world. States should continuously be reminded to prefer principles over interests and base their decisions and policies on universal moral, ethical norms, and international legal requirements.
This conference highly acknowledges the just voices being raised in every part of the world. These voices have been warning Israel against its atrocities and illegal occupation while keeping aside their national, religious, ethnic and professional affiliations. While several Western media groups have been exposed for their biased reporting in the current conflict, many journalists are trying to unfold reality while performing their professional duties in Palestine, the Middle East and other parts of the world. They must be praised for the fact that they are fulfilling their professional duties despite many threats in the line of duty.

Pakistan has maintained its principled stance on the Palestine issue despite many internal and external pressures and lucrative offers. Historically, Pakistan has played a key diplomatic and political role at every important moment of the conflict. This forum calls for the government of Pakistan to come forward with a leading role in the current escalation, too. The government of Pakistan needs not only to reemphasize its traditional stance but also to ensure moral, diplomatic and humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people. The forum demands the government establish a ‘Palestine Fund’ at the state level and make concrete arrangements to contribute to humanitarian assistance in coordination with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the UN and other stakeholders.