Sirajul Haq expresses shock & grievances over Karachi suicide attack on Chinese teachers

LAHORE, April 27 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has expressed shock and grievances over Karachi suicide attack on Chinese teachers which resulted loss of human lives, demanding the government take prompt measure to bring the perpetrators to the justice.

In a letter to Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Mr Nong Rong on Wednesday, Sirajul Haq said his heart went out to the families of the deceased persons. “We strongly condemn the terrorist attack on innocent persons. Every Pakistani feels for victims of this attack and we want to convey our feelings to their families on behalf of the people of Pakistan.”

Terming the attack conspiracy of the enemy who wanted to undermine the exemplary friendship of China and Pakistan, Sirajul Haq reiterated the relations between the two countries will remain invincible through all thick and thin times despite challenges. He said the government and law enforcement agencies must act vigilantly to dismantle the terror network to avoid such heinous crimes in future.

Meanwhile, JI Emir also presided over the meetings of district emirs and members of political committees of Bajur, Lower Dir, Upper Dir, Swar and Bunir and was briefed about the election preparations and organizational work of the JI in the areas.

He directed the JI leaders and workers to approach every house to convey them the objective of the party. He said since the three parties failed to bring any change despite ruling over country for years, it was only the JI which left as option with the people. He said the masses must reject the tested faces and parties of feudal and imperialists and choose the capable and honest leadership to put the country on track.

Sirajul Haq reiterated the call for electoral reforms and asked the prime minister to make focus on early conduct of general elections instead of focusing on projects. He said the government must provide relief to the masses to decrease prices of basic commodities including food items, petrol and electricity. He said knocking the door of the IMF for receiving bailout packages would never provide any breath to dying economy. He said the solution of the country’s problems rest with introduction of interest-free economy. He said if voted to power, the JI would build the economy on Islamic principles.