Sirajul Haq decides to contact the leadership of PDM, PPP & PTI to develop consensus on the national polls

LAHORE, April 05 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has decided to contact the leadership of the PDM, the PPP and the PTI to develop consensus on the national polls.

The decision was made in a meeting of JI central leadership at Mansoorah on Wednesday. Sirajul Haq presided over the meeting which condemned the Israeli forces terrorism in Masjide-e-Aqsa and demanded the OIC and the leaders of the Muslim world take practical steps for the freedom of Aqsa Mosque and people of Palestine from Israeli occupation. It also expressed grief over the losses to wheat crop due to unexpected rains, asking the nation to seek the collective forgiveness from Allah Almighty.

The meeting condemned the illegal detention of Gwadar Rights Movement leader Hidayutur Rahman Baloch and decided to approach the Supreme Court of Pakistan for his release from prison. Sirajul Haq said the JI would launch the movement for the restoration of rights of people of Balochistan from May 1. He asked the provincial government to fulfill the agreement signed with the people of Gwadar.

The JI chief said the parliamentary parties should come to the table to develop consensus on the general elections. He believed the polls in two provinces would not bring stability rather situation was expected to turn into worst after the elections as nobody would accept the results. He said the JI would initiate efforts with good intent amid the prevailing deadlock. The fight among the ruling political parties brought the country to a point where masses were burning in the fire of inflation, unemployment and lawlessness, he said, adding the current economic crises were due to decades long bad-governance and incompetence of the governments as it was not developed suddenly.

Sirajul Haq said the corruption, interest-based economy and unfair distribution of resources were the reasons behind the prevailing economic crisis. The country, he said, did not need any foreign loans if its leadership was wise and capable. He said the JI had started the “DastakMohim” to create awareness and the party was fully prepared for the polls. He said the JI would go to the elections under its own flag and electoral symbol and would not make any alliance.  He said since all the parties were exposed and failed to deliver, it was only the JI which could pull the country out of prevailing circumstances.