Sirajul Haq calls for the need for implementation of SC decision on interpretation of Article 63-A of the Constitution in letter & spirit

LAHORE/MUZAFFARABAD, May 18 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan has welcomed the Supreme Court decision and termed it a ray of hope for people in prevailing crises.

Addressing a gathering in Muzaffarabad (Azad Jammu & Kashmir), JI Emir Sirajul Haq called for the need for implementation of Supreme Court decision on interpretation of Article 63-A of the Constitution of Pakistan in letter and spirit. “The political parties should follow the Supreme Court decision on Article 63-A in letter and spirit,” Sirajul Haq said on Wednesday.

In interpretation of the article on presidential reference, the apex court on Tuesday said the votes of defecting lawmakers will not be counted. Sirajul Haq said the decision was much needed step to strengthen democracy. He added the country could not go forward without the rule of law and respect of the constitution. Talking about Kashmir situation, the JI chief regretted the successive Pakistani government failed to fight for the cause. He said India was involved in human right abuses in the occupied valley violating all international and mutual agreements with Pakistan. Thousands of Kashmiris had been killed, kidnapped during the Kashmir freedom movement, he said, adding occupied forces raped Kashmiri women, destroyed properties and were also involved in extra judicial murders of thousands of Kashmiris. But, he said the international communities and Pakistani rulers were silent over the abuses.

Sirajul Haq said the Pakistani nation and the JI was standing side to side with their Kashmir brothers and sisters in the struggle. He said he believed the Kashmiri movement will soon bear fruit and dawn of freedom will rise on Occupied Kashmir. He called for formation of national action plan and suggested the formation of Kashmir cell in Pakistani embassies. He said the government should appoint vice foreign minister on Kashmir. He said the AJK Assembly should be given status of All Kashmir Assembly by creating special seats for people of Occupied Kashmir. He said the government should form a delegation comprising members of all political parties by assigning it duty to raise Kashmir issue in all over the world.

Meanwhile in a statement issued from JI head office Mansoorah, JI Secretary General Ameerul Azim said that following the SC decision it was duty of the political parties to also introduce democracy within their ranks. Majority of the political parties of Pakistan, he said, had turned into a family unit or one man show. The parties, he said, were alien to concept of bringing democracy inside their structures. This perception must end if the political parties were serious towards their pledges and claims towards sustainable democracy in the country, he added.