Sirajul Haq calls for independent investigation into letter-gate by the judicial commission

LAHORE, April 11 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has called for independent investigation into letter-gate by the judicial commission.

In a statement issued from Mansoorah on Monday, Sirajul Haq demanded the Supreme Court form a commission to probe the “American letter” which badly divided the nation. He said the former government claimed the US made a threat through a letter and the newly formed set-up was even doubt even existence. Thus, he said, judiciary was the only hope for the nation to clarify the matter.

The Jamaat-e-Islami, Sirajul Haq said, always condemned and criticized the US interference into Pakistan’s internal affairs. The Washington meddling in countries internal affairs was an open secret, he said.

The JI chief said the former PTI government failed to bring any change and now the responsibility lied on the shoulder of new PML-N led ruling alliance to bring the country out of crises. He said though the incumbent alliance had ruled over country in past but let see what they deliver this time. He said he still believed only Islamic system was the way forward to put the country on track. The JI, he added, was struggling for the same.

Sirajul Haq said people of Pakistan witnessed the wrestling of political parties for power for entire month. He said the ruling elite only wanted to protect their interests and they hardly care for common man’s problems. He said the masses were badly hit by inflation in the holy month. He said the unemployment, corruption and bad-governance badly damaged the country. He said the rulers failed to meet the expectations of the people.

Sirajul Haq said the apex court played a key role to end the political and institutional crises. He said the democratic forces should join hands to unite the nation which was badly divided. A divided nation, he said, could not protect country from foreign interests.