Sirajul announces to stage sit-ins outside governor’s houses against exorbitant power bills

LAHORE, Sep 3 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Sirajul Haq has announced
Jamaat-e-Islami’s decision to stage sit-ins outside the four provincial
governor’s houses to protest against the government’s decision of not taking
back exorbitant power billing.

Addressing a press conference at Mansoorah here on Sunday, Sirajul Haq
that Jamaat-e-Islami after obtaining information under Right to Information
Act about agreements of Independent Power Producers, would challenge
them in the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP).

He further said the Jamaat-e-Islami has also reached a decision about
issuing a White Paper regarding the energy sector. He also thanked trade
organisations, religious scholars, lawyers, labor unions, transporters, people
belonging to other walks of life and the entire nation for making Saturday
last countrywide strike successful.

He demanded of the interim government to listen to grievances of the
masses while not passing on the decisions of the former governments to the
masses and added instead becoming spokesperson for the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) should be spokesperson for the interests of the

He also demanded the incumbent government to hand over the rule to the
elected representatives after holding general elections in the country. Emir
Jamaat-e-Islami said that statement of the prime minister has rubbed salt in
the wounds of the people and deplored that the caretaker government talks

about every issue while putting aside the real issue of holding elections in
the country.

Before this, he presided over a meeting of central leadership where office-
bearers of centre, provinces and big cities were present. On this occasion,
for taking protest movement against inflation forward, a committee
comprising Secretary General Amirul Azeem, Deputy Secretary General
Azhar Iqbal Hasan, Secretary Information Qaisar Sharif and Emir Lahore
Ziauddin Ansari was constituted which will issue schedule of sit-ins after
making consultation. All the four leaders were present on this occasion.

“It has become difficult to live in the country in this suffocating
environment,” he said, fearing the government may levy tax even on ‘our
breathing’. He deplored that the 24 million Pakistanis had to pay bills due to
the flawed agreements made with the Independent Power Producers (IPPs).
Emir Jamaat-e-Islami maintained the sole beneficiaries of the agreements
with the IPPs were the elite class.

Citing a certain official announcement detailing power connections would be
severed over non-payment, Sirajul Haq warned that his party would not
allow any such move by any power distribution company. He noted if any
official of the government wanted to uninstall someone’s electricity meter,
the consumer should inform about it to Jamaat-e-Islami as it would ensure
protection of his meter.

“Instead of burdening the masses, steps should be taken to prevent power
pilferage,” Sirajul Haq, adding that the burden of line losses should not be
passed onto the poor populace.