Shutdown in Occupied Kashmir to remember 13 July 1931 martyrs

SRINAGAR, July 10 (SABAH): All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has appealed to people in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir to observe shutdown on 13th July (Thursday) to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of 22 Kashmiris who were killed by Dogra armed forces within the premises of Central Jail Srinagar on 13 July in 1931.

These martyrs were part of thousands of people who had assembled outside the Central Jail, Srinagar, during the court proceedings against one Abdul Qadeer who had asked the people to defy the Dogra rule. At the time of Namaz-e-Zuhr, a young man started calling Azaan and was shot dead by the Dogra soldiers. Another youth took his place and he too was martyred by the troops. Thus, 22 youth sacrificed their lives till the completion of Azaan.

The APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar also appealed to the freedom loving people to march towards the Mazare Shuhda, Naqshband Sahib, Srinagar, to pay tributes to the martyrs and deliver a message to the civilized world that the people of Jammu and Kashmir believe in a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute as promised by the United Nations Security Council through its resolutions.

The statement said that BJP government and its puppet regime has silenced the political voice and deprived Kashmiris of their identity by brute force after 5th Aug 2019 illegal move was an attack on IIOJK’s Muslim identity.

Modi is systematically paving the way for settler colonialism and settling non-locals to settle after abrogation Articles 370 and 35A in IIOJK

The APHC said that the objective of the shutdown and a march towards the martyrs’ graveyard at Naqshband Sahib, Srinagr, is to convey to the world that we, the Kashmiris, have never accepted Indian subjugation. The people of Kashmir shall reiterate their pledge to struggle for their just demand of right to self-determination on political, moral and diplomatic fronts, the statement added.