Shabir Ahmed Shah pays eulogizing tributes to Shaheed Burhan Wani & his colleagues on their martyrdom anniversary

SRINAGAR, July 05 (SABAH): Senior Hurriyat leader and Chairman Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party Shabir Ahmed Shah has paid eulogizing tributes to Shaheed Burhan Muzaffar Wani and his associates on their martyrdom anniversary being held on 08 July.

In his message from Tihar jail, the incarcerated leader, while lauding the supreme sacrifices of the martyred commander and his other associates who embarrassed martyrdom while fighting the occupation forces on the day, said, ” Their unparalleled sacrifices for the freedom movement will serve as a beacon to illuminate our pathway to freedom”.

Reiterating Kashmiris’ pledge to uphold the martyrs’ mission, the jailed leader appealed the Kashmiri masses to observe the martyred commander’s anniversary with a renewed commitment to continue ongoing freedom struggle till they achieve their cherished goal of freedom from India’s occupation.

Terming Shaheed Burhan Wani as the icon of resistance, Shabir Ahmed Shah said, “Shaheed Burhan Wani left behind a proud legacy that will continue to inspire the Kashmir’s incoming generations”.

“The way he rejuvenated the freedom movement in his short life will serve as an inspiration for the coming generations”, he maintained.

He said that Wani family has set a great example of courage and commitment towards the national cause. “The martyrs of Kashmir and their supreme sacrifices can never be forgotten”, Shah said, adding that the memories of those children, young and elders were still fresh in our hearts who faced the deadly bullets and pellets during the mass uprising triggered after the martyrdom Burhan and his colleagues.

“Thousands of martyrs, who laid down their precious lives during the ongoing liberation struggle, will continue to live in our hearts and minds”, he said, adding their memories won’t fade away from our minds.

Shabir Ahmed Shah regrettably noted that during the 2016 uprising hundreds of political activists especially the young boys who were arrested and booked under draconian laws continue to languish in different jails in and outside Kashmir.

Urging the international community to take effective notice of the matter, Shabir Ahmed Shah said that the world bodies must take up the issue with government of India to help secure early release of all Kashmiri prisoners who have been detained before and after 5th August 2019. Reiterating his party’s call for resuming talks to find out an amicable solution to the Kashmir conflict, Shabir Ahmed Shah said that it was high time that the Indian government should revisit its policy and create a conducive environment wherein all the stakeholders could sit together to bring about a solution to the lingering dispute that has been the main cause and consequence of bloodshed and unrest in the region.