Senator Rubina Khalid advocates for minority community relief under BISP

ISLAMABAD, July 05 (SABAH): Senator Rubina Khalid, Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), demonstrated her unwavering support for the minority community during her meeting with Anthony Naveed, Deputy Speaker of the Sindh Provincial Assembly at Benazir Income Support Programme Headquarters on Friday.

The discussion highlighted the recent Benazir Income Support Programme survey, which identified the special needs of deserving Christian families. It was also discussed that how Benazir Income Support Programme’s core initiatives are designed to provide substantial benefits to the minority community, ensuring they receive the necessary support and relief.

Senator Rubina Khalid reassured Anthony Naveed of Benazir Income Support Programme’s dedication to assist the minority community, reinforcing programme’s commitment to inclusivity and equitable support for all underprivileged groups in Pakistan.