Self-serving parties part of problem not solution: Hafiz Naeemur Rehman

KARACHI, Sep 08 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has said that the available lot of mainstream parties in the political arena are self-serving enterprises and have nothing to do with the genuine and basic issues of people, including skyrocketing inflation, water, electricity and gas crises.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman expressed these views while addressing the JI workers and the media in Landhi area of Karachi during the membership campaign. JI Karachi leaders Taifiquddin Siddiqui, Abdul Jameel and elected representatives of the local government accompanied the JI supremo.

Speaking on the occasion, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said that all the main stream political parties, except for the JI, have been engage in politics of political and monetary gains and they have nothing to do with the local issues. The leaderships of these parties are focused on their own assets and bank balance, he said. He further said that a gang of influential people, supported by sections of the feudal lords, capitalists, dictators and judges, was imposed on Karachi and Karachiites with the help of form 47.

He further said the privileged class was totally detached to the people and has been following their own interests instead of taking along the interests of people. In this backdrop, he said, the JI has been fighting the case of common man and raising its voice for the genuine issues of masses. He invited Karachiites to join the JI for the cause of their own future. The doors of the JI are open for each and everyone who wants to play his or her due role for the future of Pakistan and their own children, he said. He also directed the party workers to approach everyone in their neighborhoods. 

He said that the JI with effect from September 1, has been running a membership campaign across the country. Registration camps, door to door contacts and other activities are being carried out under the member campaign. It is expected that five million new workers would join the party, he said. He continued that the nation needs to get united for their due rights against the ruling elite, usurping their rights. He said that the JI has become the only choice for the people of Karachi and other parts of the country.

Talking about the electricity crises, he held the ruling elite responsible for the criminal accords with the Independent Power Producers. He added that the JI has just paused not ended its sit-in against the government. He further said that the deadline agreed by the government has been approaching rapidly and no one will be able to refrain masses from approaching to Islamabad, if the government fails in keeping its words. Don’t push the nation to follow the footprints of Bangladeshi fellows, he said while addressing those in the corridors of power.

He urged the establishment and those in the corridors of powers to respect the opinion of the common man and vote. He said that MQM has been imposed on Karachi despite the fact that the party couldn’t win even a single polling station. The JI leader further said that the Pakistan People Party government in Sindh has been exploiting the people in the province for the past 16 years.

In a total contrast to the Article 140-A of the Constitution of Pakistan, the PPP regime has kept the elected local government representatives deprived of powers, he said, adding that the PPP wants to keep all the powers centralized in order to gain maximum monetary benefits. On the occasion, he hailed the JI’s local government representatives for their extra ordinary contribution to bring some betterment in the affairs despite gloomy situations. He also paid a rich tribute to former Karachi mayors; late Naimatullah Khan and Abdul Sattar Afghani.