SC had given a historic decision to protect the constitution, democracy & parliamentary system: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, April 11 (SABAH): Addressing an Iftar dinner in honor of political, social activists, senior journalists and friends at the residence, Deputy Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Liaqat Baloch has said that the Supreme Court of Pakistan had given a historic decision to protect the constitution, democracy and parliamentary system. The Imran Khan government tried its best to escape the execution of the decision, but the state institutions played a national role by creating an environment of execution instead of an adventure.

Liaqat Baloch said that the opposition parties also played a unified role of patience and perseverance in the success of the no-confidence motion. Imran Khan crucified his friends and foes to fulfill the declaration of fighting till the last ball but in the end he had to surrender before the constitution and the decision of the Supreme Court. It would have been better if the former Prime Minister had demonstrated sportsmanship and graceful way to quit, but he preferred personal ego and arrogance.

Liaqat Baloch said that the Bhan Mati family of the opposition parties came to the majority. For the new government, the gift of destruction of the national structure due to inflation, unemployment, increased loans, scarcity of national resources and extreme mismanagement will be a torment for the new government. The takeover of the government by the parties having different ideological backgrounds will not last long. Transparent and impartial general elections are the only lasting solution to crises.

Liaqat Baloch said that it was writings on the wall that running the government and managing the situation was not an easy task and in the possible minimum time the national leadership should open the way for dialogue. Consensus must be reached on national priorities, electoral reforms, the elimination of anti-Islamic laws, national security and foreign strategies to counter US, Indian, Israeli conspiracies, interference and fabrications. Not only the anti-American slogan but also the strong national strategy that Jamaat-e-Islami has been leading during its “Go America Go” movement since 9/11. Now the fact is becoming clear to everyone that instead of slogans and emotional atmosphere, national policy must be agreed upon.