Saghar denounces crackdown on political activists, religious scholars in Occupied Kashmir

Islamabad: Convener All Parties Hurriyat Conference ( APHC ) and acting chairman Democratic Freedom Party Mehmood Ahmed Saghar while taking strong exception to occupation authorities’ massive crackdown on political activists and religious scholars under the infamous Public Safety Act has termed the move as part of India’s clampdown campaign to silence Kashmiris.

In a statement issued here today, the APHC convener while citing the arrest of prominent Hurriyat leader Sarjan Barkati and other religious scholars including Maulana Abdul Rasheed Dawoodi, Maulana Mushtaq Ahmed Veri and Abdul Majeed Dar Al Madani said that
arresting Kashmiris under notorious laws was an old tactic India has been using to suppress legitimate political voices in Kashmir.
he said that fresh arrest spree was meant to create an atmosphere of fear amongst the Kashmiri people who have refused follow the Indian diktats.
Seeking world human rights bodies urgent attention towards the fast deteriorating political and human rights situation in the occupied Kashmir, Mr. Saghar said that it was high time that the civilized world should break it’s silence and play it’s much needed role to mitigate the unending sufferings of the Kashmiris inflicted upon them by the Indian occupation authorities.
Saghar also urged the UNHRC to take effective notice of human rights violations in Kashmir and stop the human rights abusing government of India from using antiterrorism laws to suppress democratic dissent in the region.
He said that the racist regime led by Modi has crossed all limits of savagery to suppress dissent in the region.

He said that after caging the entire political leadership of Kashmir the RSS influenced government has now started to target social and religious leaders who did not hesitate in calling spade a spade.

Expressing his deep concern over the plight of Kashmiri prisoners, the APHC leader urged international human rights organizations to take effective notice of the matter and help release the Kashmiri prisoners.

 He lamented that the families of the Kashmiri prisoners have not been able to meet their beloved ones who have been arrested before and after August 5, 2019 and left to rot in jails far away from their homes.