Roughly 1 in 5 Pakistanis (21%) say they have a family member or friend who got divorced in the past six months: Gallup Survey

ISLAMABAD, Jan 31 (SABAH): According to the Gallup Survey, roughly 1 in 5 Pakistanis (21%) say they have a family member or friend who got divorced in the past six months, with a higher proportion of women (24%) aware of such cases.

During the Gallup and Gillani Pakistan opinion poll, it was asked in the past six months, have you heard about a divorce involving any of your family members of friends?  

Roughly 1 in 5 Pakistanis (21%) say they have a family member or friend who got divorced in the past six months, with a higher proportion of women (24%) aware of such cases. Only two percent in response said do not know/nor response.