Role of physical education in holistic development… Saira Samo

In the modern era of technology and digital devices, it is becoming increasingly important to emphasise the teaching of physical skills in early childhood education. While academic subjects such as math and language are crucial, the development of physical abilities in children should not be overlooked. In this article, we will explore the significance of teaching physical skills to children until the age of 10 and discuss the numerous benefits that arise from incorporating physical education into their educational journey.

Physical education plays a vital role in the holistic development of children. By engaging in activities that promote physical skills, such as running, jumping, throwing and balancing, children develop their gross motor skills and coordination. These skills lay the foundation for further physical activities and enhance their overall physical competence.

Regular physical activity from an early age is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing sedentary lifestyles. Teaching physical skills instills healthy habits and promotes an active lifestyle among children. By incorporating physical education into their daily routine, we can combat the rising concerns of childhood obesity and related health issues, such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Physical activities not only benefit childrens physical well-being but also contribute to their cognitive development. Research has shown that physical exercise stimulates brain function, improves memory and enhances cognitive abilities, such as attention span, problem-solving skills and creativity. By incorporating physical education into early childhood education, we provide children with a well-rounded learning experience that positively impacts their cognitive abilities.

Physical education provides an environment for children to interact and collaborate with their peers. Participating in team sports or group activities fosters social skills, cooperation and teamwork. Furthermore, physical activities often involve rules and guidelines, which teach children about discipline, respect and fair play. Engaging in physical skills helps children develop emotional resilience, learn to manage stress and boosts their self-confidence.

Contrary to the belief that physical education detracts from academic performance, research indicates that physical activity can actually enhance cognitive abilities and academic achievement. Regular physical exercise improves blood flow to the brain, thereby increasing focus, concentration and memory retention. Incorporating physical education into the curriculum can result in better academic performance and improved classroom behaviour.

Introducing physical education at an early age establishes the foundation for lifelong habits of physical activity. When children are exposed to a variety of physical skills and activities, they are more likely to find joy in being active and continue participating in physical endeavours throughout their lives. By instilling a love for physical activity in childhood, we promote lifelong health and well-being.

In a time when technological advancements dominate the lives of children, it is crucial to emphasize the teaching of physical skills in early childhood education. By incorporating physical education into the curriculum until the age of 10, we can promote holistic development, improve health and well-being, enhance cognitive abilities, foster social interaction and develop lifelong habits of physical activity. Physical education is an essential component of a well-rounded education, ensuring that children grow up to be healthy, confident and physically competent individuals.

Courtesy The Express Tribune, August 1st, 2023.