Right to Self-Determination for Kashmiris is only solution to Kashmir dispute: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE, Jan 05 (SABAH): Naib Emir Jamaat-e-Islami and former member of Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, Liaqat Baloch on Thursday said that one and only solution to Kashmir issue was to Right to Self-Determination and stressed upon the international community by putting aside apathy to ensure their right to self-determination, while getting rid of unfair Indian occupation and fascism.

Liaqat Baloch said on the occasion of ‘Right to Self-Determination Day’ during his conversation with Kashmiri leaders including Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kashmir Dr. Khalid Mehmood Khan, ex-emir JI azad Kashmir and former chairman public accounts committee in AJK Legislative Assembly Abdul Rashid Turabi, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Tanvir Anwer Khan and others. He stated that India has no right to forcefully implement its will against the Kashmiris as well as dismantling Jammu and Kashmir. He added only Kashmiris have the right on Kashmir, saying only they deserve justice from the world.

He further said that Pakistani people without any discrimination have been supporting Kashmiris in achieving their right to self-determination and added that country’s 75 years history witnessed the fact that they always stood by Kashmiris but the ruling class has always showed apathy while adopting incoherent strategy on the matter.

Liaqat Baloch went on to say that the rulers stressed mere on speeches but did not present any vision to sort out the Kashmir dispute, and deplored that in the held valley, Jamaat-e-Islami leadership and workers were being targeted. There, he added the educational institutions were being bulldozed and the buildings were being impounded. All the Kashmiri leadership was put behind the bar while target-killing of the youth was underway, he added.

International community must restrict India from committing inhuman acts against the Kashmiris, Liaqat Baloch said, and added peace and prosperity could not be established without the solution of Kashmir and Palestine issues. It is a debacle that instead of great achievement of people of Afghanistan; their right to supremacy of Islam was not being accepted, he said, and continued that the NATO countries were being given relief which was indeed killer of millions of human beings.  He stressed upon the government to frame a strong and cohesive political policy for achieving the right of self-determination for Kashmiris.

It is noteworthy here that it was January 05 in 1949 when the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution, supporting the Kashmiris’ right to decide their future by themselves under a UN-supervized plebiscite. The unresolved Kashmir dispute has become a nuclear flashpoint in South Asia.

January 5, 1949, resolution provided the base for settlement of the lingering dispute; however, India’s continued intransigent attitude had been an impediment in the way of achieving this objective. It is unfortunate that the world body failed to implement its resolutions, resulting in the continued sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

The principles laid down in the communications of India and Pakistan with the UNCIP (United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan) on Kashmir dated December 23 and December 25 and adopted by the Commission, were supplementary to the Commission’s Resolution of August 13, 1948.