Real lesson of life of beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is to work for welfare of others out of oneself: Maulana Tariq Jameel

LAHORE, Nov 02, (SABAH): Renowned religious scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel has said that the successful life of Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the best pattern for not only the Muslims around the world but also for the all human beings in universe. According to the teachings of the Holy Quran people associated with any field of life can achieve success in this world and hereafter by trying to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (SAW).

Maulana Tariq Jameel added that male and female especially those working in the medical field, should get benefit more from the biography of the Prophet (SAW).

Principal PGMI & Ameer Uddin Medical College Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar said that Rehmat ul-Alamin (SAW) taught the practical lesson of serving the suffering humanity and made it possible of helping people without color and creed by telling that protecting life of a single person is equal to the protection of the whole humanity. These views were expressed in the Khatim-un-Nabieen (SAW) Conference organized in Lahore General Hospital, in which faculty members, MS LGH Dr. Khalid Bin Aslam, doctors, nurses, employees, office bearers of YDA, YNA, APCA PGMI and Health Support Staff Association and a large number of citizens attended this Conference.

Maulana Tariq Jameel further said that in the present era of materialism, selfless activities of human welfare are not less than a blessing and we should ensure maximum welfare activities for each other in this temporary life. He said that the real lesson of the life of the beloved Prophet (SAW) is to work for the welfare of others out of oneself and the medical field is the best area to work for this noble cause.

Principal PGMI said that the activities taking place in LGH/PGMI are worthy of praise, especially holding such conference deserve congratulations. Prof. Al-freed Zafar appreciated associations’ collective efforts.

President Pakistan Health Support Staff Association Rana Pervez said that being associated with the medical field, we have a greater responsibility to ensure the implementation of the principles mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He said that this Association will further strengthen its traditions and continue holding such gatherings as well.

On this occasion, Mahfil-e-Naat and Durood-o-Salam were also offered by the participants. Chief guest Maulana Tariq Jameel inaugurated Graphic Lawn in LGH. At the end of this conference, Principal LGH Prof. Al-Fareed Zafar gives an honorary shield to the Religious Scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel.