Raja Pervaiz Ashraf urges PTI leaders to return to parliament

LAHORE, Dec 11, (SABAH): Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Ashraf on Sunday urged Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders to return to parliament and said that he would not accept any resignations unless he was “satisfied”.

“The law dictates that even if a member says in my presence they want to resign but I have information that they are under pressure, I should not accept their resignation,” Raja Pervaiz Ashraf explained while speaking to the media persons in Lahore when asked about him approving the resignations of only select few PTI lawmakers.

Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said that even after the announcement of mass resignations, PTI lawmakers continued to occupy parliament lodges and avail perks and privileges given to MNAs. “And then they also send me messages not to accept their resignations. In this scenario […] I will not de-seat any member until I am satisfied” that they were not resigning under pressure, he said.

The speaker also clarified that he had accepted the resignations of those lawmakers who had issued statements in the media and on social media that they had vacated their seats willingly.

Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said he expected PTI lawmakers to return to parliament, represent their constituencies and contribute to house proceedings. “Their demand for transparent elections can only be fulfilled if we legislate better, take better measures and work out a strategy together with everyone’s agreement,” he emphasised.

He called for a consensus between the government and the opposition to resolve issues faced by the country. “Just like the government holds importance, so does the opposition,” the speaker remarked.

In reply to a question about “backdoor contacts” between the government and opposition, he stressed that all political leaders and political parties should “address matters with consensus”.

He highlighted the significance of parliament and using this forum to resolve various issues, which he said would “strengthen the economy” and bring “maturity in politics”.

“I request all political parties and people from all schools of thought that there should be stability in Pakistan’s politics now,” he said, adding, “We need to create an environment where we respect each other and keeping our small matters aside, come together for a bigger cause. “This is the need of the hour.”

The speaker also emphasised the importance of assemblies completing their tenures, saying it would also “bring maturity [in politics] and strengthen the system”. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf being the Speaker of the National Assembly, it would be his desire that every assembly should complete its term. He said that the last year of the current assembly has already started and 5th year is the election year.

Speaker Ashraf said that the Parliament is for legislation, law and order and election reforms. He said that it is time to put the matters aside and come together for a bigger purpose. “We cannot move forward by ignoring the Parliament,” he added.

“Asif Zardari is the one who solves and takes things forward,” said the speaker, adding that all political parties should handle matters by consensus. He also said that there is always a back door channel as well.

He called the political parties to work together, saying that all the problems are solved within the Parliament and not outside of it. “The government will be stable if a country has a strong Parliament,” he stressed.

Talking about the elections, the PPP leader said that the election will be fair and transparent only if the legislation is made better. “There is no time left for the elections as the fifth year has started,” he added. 

Responding to questions, the speaker also said that “premature dissolution of assemblies prevented democracy from taking root” and therefore believed that it was important for assemblies to complete their terms.

He noted that for the past 15 years, the assemblies have completed their term and stressed that “completing the term for the fourth time would strengthen institutions”.

“The need of the hour is for all political parties to work together by building consensus to tend to matters,” he said adding that “this is not about an individual’s victory or defeat”.