Railway sector’s gross earnings increased from Rs 18,612 miln in 2010-11 to Rs. 53,707 miln in 2023-24: Gallup Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, July 18 (SABAH): Gallup Pakistan, as part of its Big Data Analysis initiative, is looking at the Decline in Railway Passengers from 2010-11 to 2023-24. This data is part of the Pakistan Economic Survey of 2023-24, shared by the Finance Ministry of the Government of Pakistan.

What data points this current edition covers:

This series aims to present the important learnings from the Economic Survey 2023-24 for policy makers, the public, as well as for marketers in an easy and understandable way. In particular, this edition looks at the decline in railway passengers from 2010-11 to 2023-24. Railways have grown by 9.73% within the transport and storage industry, making them an important sector to be studied. The series’ main aim is to provide data. These data points may be used in a number of ways by policymakers and sector stakeholders to study wider socio-political ramifications of this growth, and any other changes.

Key Findings:

Increase in Railway Sectors Gross Earnings: The railway sector’s gross earnings have increased from Rs 18,612 million in 2010-11 to Rs. 53,707 million in 2023-24, a positive net change of Rs 35,095 million.

Difference between Operational Locomotives and Passengers Carried:

Operational locomotives have remained stable while passengers being carried has witnessed a downward trend in 14 years, with a reduction of 35.54 million passengers being transported in 2023-24 as compared to 2010-11.

Difference between Operational Freight Wagons and Freight Carried:

Operational freight wagons have decreased from 18,612 in 2020-11 to 11,973 in 2023-24, a drastic reduction of 6,639 freight wagons over 14 years. Meanwhile, the freight carried has fluctuated greatly during this period.

Gallup Pakistan has not conducted the survey work. We are only analyzing the publicly disclosed data and reports provided by the Government of Pakistan. This is a public service activity done on individual initiative of Gallup Pakistan and not in any way endorsed, commissioned, or supported by the Government of Pakistan.

What is the Big Data Analysis Series by Gallup:

Gallup Pakistan’s Big Data series was started by Bilal I Gilani, Executive Director of Gallup Pakistan. Bilal explains the rationale of the series: “The usual complaint from academics and policy makers is that Pakistan does not have data availability. Our experience negates that. Pakistan has lots of data, but it is not available in a usable form and not widely accessible. At Gallup we plan to bridge this gap in terms of accessibility and use of data. The Gallup Big Data series has earlier worked with data sets such as PSLM, Labor Force Survey, and Economic Survey reports as well as National Census Reports and Election Commission Data sets. The current series is using the Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24, a yearly publication which reports facts of the economic state of Pakistan in each sector for one fiscal year. We hope that these series are useful, and we welcome both feedback as well as possible collaborations as we create a public good in the form of useful data sets in Pakistan.”