Qureshi proposes six-point framework to support Afghan people

ISLAMABAD, Dec 19 (SABAH): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi has proposed a six-point framework to support the Afghan people.

In his welcome address during 17th extraordinary session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers at the Parliament House in Islamabad on Sunday, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said we should create a vehicle within the OIC to channel immediate and sustained humanitarian and financial support to the Afghan people including the pledges from the OIC and other donors.

He said we should agree to increase investment for the Afghan people bilaterally or through the OIC in areas such as education, health, technical and vocational skills to the Afghan youth.

A group of experts comprising the OIC, the UN and international financial institutions be established to consider ways and means to facilitate Afghan access to legitimate banking system and ease liquidity challenge of Afghan people.

We should focus on enhancing food security of the Afghan people and the Islamic organization of food security must lead this effort.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said we should engage with the Afghan authorities to help meet the expectations of the international community regarding political and social inclusivity, respect for human rights especially of women and girls and combating terrorism.

Alluding to the dire humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and threat of economic meltdown there, the Foreign Minister said this is a moment to extend a collective helping hand and not withhold support.

He said that Pakistan concurred with the United Nations Secretary General that the humanitarian assistance be provided without conditions.

In his remarks, OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha said the OIC has always supported the Afghan people and the role of the OIC member countries in delivering humanitarian assistance is more necessary than ever before because of the growing challenges faced by the Afghan people. He called on the member countries to deliver humanitarian assistance through the OIC mission in Kabul.

The OIC Secretary General also called upon the international community to ensure Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorism.

The OIC Secretary General was appreciative of Pakistan for hosting this important meeting saying this reaffirms its total commitment to the issues faced by our wider Muslim community.

Hissein Brahim Taha voiced his appreciation for Saudi Arabia for supporting “Islamic solidarity”, and thanked Pakistan for the cordial welcome.

“By hosting this event, Pakistan reaffirms its total commitment to the issues facing the Muslim community with a keen dedication to security and peace for region and world,” he said.

He also thanked the participants for travelling for the OIC meeting despite the pandemic and the spread of the Omicron variant. “This effort gives a universal message of harmony and solidarity,” he said, adding that the Afghan issue has always been high on the OIC agenda.

“The OIC has always taken a strong position which supports its member countries […] the joint secretariat calls for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Afghanistan,” he said.

The OIC secretary general said that the role of OIC members in delivering humanitarian assistance was more important now than ever before as the pandemic had exacerbated existing challenges.

“We commend the humanitarian assistance provided by some member states to the Afghan people. We also call for all parties concerned to cooperate with the OIC mission in Kabul to provide relief to the affected Afghan people,” he said.

“The OIC is ready to carry out a follow-up of the outcome and to play its role in supporting humanitarian action in coordination with the relevant OIC missions and relief agencies across the Muslim world,’ he said.

In his remarks, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stressed that solidarity with the Afghan people is our moral obligation and religious duty. He said the OIC should play a leading role in mobilizing international support for the Afghan people.

In his remarks, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said Afghanistan’s economy is now in free fall and if we do not act decisively and with compassion, this fall will pull down the entire population with it.

Alluding to the dire situation in Afghanistan, Martin Griffiths said the need for liquidity and stabilization of the banking system is now urgent not only to save the lives of the Afghan people but also to enable humanitarian organizations to respond.

He said the UN stands firmly with the OIC in its efforts to contribute to the humanitarian endeavor.

The Emergency Relief Coordinator said Emergency Relief Coordinator we will seek funding for our largest ever appeal of four point five billion dollars next year to help the most vulnerable in Afghanistan.

Addressing the OIC meeting, Chairman Islamic Development Bank Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser said that immediate humanitarian relief to Afghanistan is essential to build foundation for economic recovery and development. He said there is a need for medium to long term engagement to promote self-reliance and development beyond immediate humanitarian relief through reconstruction activities.

The Chairman Islamic Development Bank also emphasized the need for the development of agriculture sector in Afghanistan to ensure food security and poverty reduction. He said it is also important to economically empower the Afghan communities especially youth and women.

Addressing the conference, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said Saudi Arabia is committed to joint actions to mitigate the hardships and sufferings faced by the people of Afghanistan. He said humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan can lead to further instability and impact both regional and international peace.

The Saudi Foreign Minister said the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to the joint actions under the umbrella of the OIC to achieve the objectives of peace, security and helping the needy. He said the people of Afghanistan need urgent need.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan said the situation in Afghanistan calls for communal action from all parties and rejection of all forms and manifestations of terrorism and extremism.

He said the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia urges the member states of the OIC and members of other international organizations to partake in extending the necessary international support to the Afghan people and to prevent degradation of the economic situation.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said that the economic difficulties could trigger a humanitarian crisis and lead to further instability which could impact regional and international peace.

He said that the OIC meeting expressed solidarity with the Afghans and demonstrated to the world the need for immediate action to put an end to the situation in the war-torn country. “The people of Afghanistan have suffered for too long,” he said, adding that they had faced years of instability.

The Saudi minister urged OIC member states to play a part in providing the Afghans with the necessary support and to prevent an economic collapse in the country.

Highlighting the assistance provided by the kingdom in the past, he said that Saudi Arabia had recently airlifted food supplies on the directives of King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

He said that the kingdom also condemned terrorist actions targeting minorities in Afghanistan. “We promote peace and security as it requires cooperative action from the international community,” he said.

Concluding his speech, he expressed the hope that the OIC meeting would come up with a proper resolution as well as recommendations to alleviate the difficulties being faced by the Afghans.