Purpose of distribution of food packages & gifts was to include deserving people in happiness of Eid & Ramadan: Muhammad Abdul Shakoor

LAHORE, May 11 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor has said that the purpose of the distribution of the food packages and gifts was to include the deserving people in happiness of Eid and Ramadan.

Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has released the details of the Ramadan food packages, community iftar dinners and fitrana among the deserving people during the holy month of Ramdanul Mubarak in current year.

According to details 1.1 million Ramadan food packages were distributed among the deserving people, one hundred and 50 thousand people benefited from the community iftiar dinners; meanwhile money of fitrana was distributed among 12,000 people. Overall 882,000 people benefited from these services of Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan.

President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said Alkhidmat Foundation is serving the poor and needy people of society over the years without any discrimination of caste, color and religion. He said that under the social services program during Ramadanul Mubarak ration, gifts on Eidul Fitr, meat is distributed among the needy people on Eidul Azha, blankets and warm clothes are distributed in winter season and work for the welfare of the prisoners in jails is being done. He said that hundreds and thousands of people have so far benefited from this work.