PTI govt has put at stake country’s sovereignty by making full surrender before the IMF: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, Jan 21 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has said the PTI government has put at stake country’s sovereignty by making full surrender before the IMF.

Addressing religious scholars at Mansoorah on Friday, Sirajul Haq said no country or nation in today’s world could become free in real sense without being self-dependent.

Pakistan’s real rulers, he said, were the IMF, the FATF and the World Bank and they dictated the governments here. And on the side, he added, the ruling elite of Pakistan also never bothered to fix the loopholes in system and lead the nation to achieve the destination of self-reliance.

Over 73 years had been passed to the creation of Pakistan but the nation was still not free from the shackles of slavery, he said, regretting the policies here were devised on the dictation of Washington. The religious scholars, Sirajul Haq said, should lead the nation to attain the system which was problem to country’s problems.

“We need Islam. We need to end the capitalism and introduce interest-free economy. We need to get rid of the corrupt system by peaceful democratic struggle.”

The JI emir said the PTI failed to deliver and it continued the policies of the former regimes. The promise of the prime minister to transform Pakistan into Madina state proved pack of lies, he said, adding the PML-N and the PPP were equally responsible to the miseries of the people.

Sirajul Haq said the nation should stand above of the prejudices in the name of caste, sect, province and act like Ummah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He said the enemies of Islam divided the Ummah through conspiracies and there was need to thwart the plots of enemies now. He said the people should stand with the JI to bring real change.