President Zardari, PM Shehbaz express govt’s resolve to bolster labours’ welfare & safeguard their rights

ISLAMABAD, May 01 (SABAH): President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif have expressed government’s resolve to bolster labours’ welfare and safeguard their rights.

In their separate messages on the occasion of the International Labour Day observed on Wednesday, President Asif Ali Zardari said that today, International Labour Day is being observed to pay tribute to workers and labourers whose tireless efforts have driven our country’s socio-economic development. On this day, we reiterate our commitment to upholding the dignity of labourers and pay tribute to their historic struggle. This day serves as a reminder for all of us to safeguard labourers’ rights, and work for their social protection, fair wages, and safe working conditions.

President Asif Ali Zardari said that the theme for this year’s International Labour Day is to ensure workplace safety and health amidst climate change. The labourers and the working class in Pakistan are facing unprecedented challenges, such as inflation, rising cost of living, unemployment, and the adverse impacts of climate change. In order to ameliorate the lot of working classes, it is highly essential to initiate measures for their welfare by providing adequate wages, safe working conditions, health coverage and educational facilities to their children.

President Asif Ali Zardari said that the state also has a crucial role to play in protecting the rights of workers, implementing and enforcing policies to end labour exploitation, protect their rights, and provide social support. On this day, we deeply acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of our workers who have played a commendable role in the country’s development. I call upon the employers to adopt fair wage practices, take steps for worker safety and health and ensure the provision of necessary training and protective equipment to labourers working in hazardous environments, President Zardari said.

“I am hopeful that the federal and provincial governments would also play their role to protect the rights of labourers, take steps to eliminate exploitative practices and implement social security programs for them. Let’s pledge to create a conducive environment for workers in Pakistan where they are valued and respected”

President Asif Ali Zardari concluded.

In his message on the occasion International Labour Day observed on Wednesday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that today we honor the immense sacrifices of the workers who laid their lives while waging a relentless struggle for their rights. We also honour the invaluable contributions of those workers who work day and night in the fields, factories and elsewhere. They not only work hard to feed their families but also are the driving force behind Pakistan’s progress. With an overarching objective to promote the rights and interests of Pakistani workforce and as promised in PML-N’s manifesto, we remain steadfast in our commitment to bolstering labor welfare and harmonizing domestic labor legislation with global standards.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that the enhancement of occupational safety and health (OSH) across various sectors remains a top priority for our Government. We will soon be convening the inaugural National Tripartite Labour Conference with a special focus on safety and health. Efforts are also underway to ratify the ILO Convention on OSH in Mines No. 176, underscoring our commitment to ensuring that miners have access to OSH that are compliant with international standards.

“I fully understand that the current inflation has disproportionately affected our financially weak labor class. The Government is addressing this through targeted subsidies and support programs. We will also continue our endeavours to improve the working and living conditions of our workers by further promoting their welfare through better housing, education, healthcare and social security benefits” Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said through labour-friendly policies and initiatives, we will ensure that decent working conditions are maintained thus making our workers the strength of Pakistan. While we recognize our workers in the formal sector, it would be remiss if we did not mention the hardworking individuals in the informal sector who work in the fields, homes, and other places. I also wish to particularly recognize the services of our female folk who work hand in hand with their female counterparts to earn a living for their families, he siad.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said the sustainable economic growth remains our top priority. Through concerted efforts, our economy is on the path to recovery. We hope that this growth will result in more economic activities and create job opportunities. However, the new job opportunities would demand a skilled labour force. Recognizing the key role of skilled workers in our economic development, the Government has initiated vocational training and skills development programs to empower workers and enable them to secure employment opportunities both at home and abroad.

“Let us work together to build a Pakistan where every worker is valued, respected, and empowered to thrive. May Almighty Allah guide us in our sincere efforts towards the prosperity of our workers and our country. Pakistan Paindabad!” Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif concluded.